Hey Seller Community!
You might have heard in the news this morning that Square has announced plans to acquire Afterpay.
Yes, it's true! You can read all the details in the official press release here 🎉
We understand that the most pressing question everyone has right now is "When will I be able to use Afterpay with my Square account?"
In the short term, things will remain operating as they have been. Per the official announcement, the closing of the acquisition is expected in the first quarter of 2022.
Once the acquisition has been finalised, we look forward to integrating Afterpay across the Square product ecosystem!
I know Afterpay support has been a hot topic on our Seller Community for a while now, and would like to thank every community member who provided us with feedback! Thanks for sticking with us - we can't wait to share more about how Afterpay integration with Square's products will look as soon as we're able to.