
Feature Request: Display photos I've added to services on my booking site

Feature Request: Display photos I've added to services on my booking site

Is there a way to add pictures or in Square Appointments after you have added services?

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Why aren't my services images showing up on my booking site?

Hey @Lphair99!


Although we've provided sellers the feature to upload images with their services, these images will not be featured on the Appointments Online Booking site.


We provided sellers with the option to upload an image with their services for point of sale/checkout purposes. If sellers want to create a grid of their services in the Point of Sale/Appointments App, they would have images to easily identify what service to select during checkout.


We're still working on giving sellers the ability to upload images and customize their booking site. We will make an announcement when this feature is available. Thank you and sorry for the misunderstanding!


41 Replies

This STILL hasn't been done yet? Why, it makes complete sense that you would want people to be able to see and read the service they are booking, and square was aware of this back in 2018, it is now 2022 and still no image next to service for customer viewing. What are you doing square?