

My friend & I started a small business in Southern Ohio. We both have full time jobs & families, but crafts are a hobby of both of ours and its grown. 🙂

Our store consists of home decor, seasonal items and much more.

Our hottest seller would be the Skinny Mixes. Gnomes & Seasonal decor are also very popular. We were buyers that didnt like paying those HIGH Craft Store prices! We want to make our customers happy and keep them coming back!

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Square Champion

Hello @MNCountryMerc and welcome to the Square Seller Community...we're so glad you're here! I'm also a fellow crafter who used to do the local fairs and art shows, then decided to open my own brick and mortar location so I wouldn't have to travel. There are certainly challenges in a business like this, but the rewards are wonderful. I heard once from someone that after you have your own retail store (and can buy wholesale)...you NEVER want to pay retail prices again LOL! It's a nice perk...and I like to tell my customers that I'm a professional shopper because I'm always searching (and buying) for the store so I can bring unique items to my customers!


Good luck to you and your business, and keep posting in the Community. This is a great place to get business advice and just network with other like-minded business owners. If you have Square specific questions, you can search the Forums; most likely another Seller has asked the same question before, so you can benefit from everyone's experience.

Homestyle Charlie
Handmade Heirloom Ornaments & Charms
Check our links for retail Etsy orders and Wholesale Ordering Info
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