
How do I get item descriptions to show on Register?

We are new to Square Register and plan to use it at trade shows.  We downloaded approximately 1400 items into it.  When we starting testing it, we realized that the item numbers (part numbers) were showing up without any descriptions.  We really need to have the descriptions in order to pick the correct item that is being sold.  Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?  Thanks!

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@showstopper When you select an item at Checkout (either from the item grid or from the item list) the item description will appear at the bottom of the screen. So you should be able to scroll down to read the description before tapping Add to add the item to the cart and checkout:

  1. Tap Checkout from the Register.
  2. Tap on an item > scroll down to read the Item Description.
  3. Tap Add to add the item to the cart or tap the X to close it.

Is it that your item names are currently numbers so it's hard to know what each item is? Were you using another POS system before? Additional context will help the Register teams to understand how making the item description easier to find will help you! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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