
Can Square please set rewards for "stacking", so that once a reward is earned, it stays?

This post was created from merging an existing thread: Important Update for Loyalty: Add multiple rewards, customize your Loyalty terminology and more


I give generously to my customers and have a huge loyalty following as a result.  I recently switched to Square about a month ago and decided to go with their loyalty program since it was integrated.  It is good for the most part, but I would like to be able to stack my rewards.


My customers can earn rewards at three different levels...the first level earns a drink, the second level earns a sweet, the third level earns a free loaf of bread or sandwich.  So, by the time the customer has earned the third level, and they have not redeemed anything, yellow stars also show for the first two levels.  If the customer chooses to save the first two, and just wants to redeem the third level, the other two levels are erased, and the customer has to start all over again just to get to the first level that they technically had already earned the first time.  I feel as if this is very deceiving, and I would be upset as a customer.


With my old rewards program, when a reward was earned, it stayed and everything stacked.  So, if my first reward required 50 points, and my second reward required 100 points, once the first 50 points were earned, the reward was issued and stayed until it was redeemed.  The customer would then continue on to earn the next level, and everything would continue to stack.  Some customers had three or four rewards banked, which I am totally okay with...they had earned it for the amount of money they spent, and it kept them coming back to spend more money.  My cost on the items they were redeeming was nothing compared to the amount of money they continued to spend.


I contacted Square today and was told this option was not available, and that a request ticket would be submitted.  I have also looked on the community to see if this option has been updated.  So, if I missed it, I apologize.


Can Square please set rewards for "stacking", so that once a reward is earned, it stays?  Obviously it can be done if my old rewards program did it. 🙂


Thank you!



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Hey @mbjones 

Well the way that I look at it, is rather than levels or tiers of rewards, it's being able to set multiple reward options. And rewards aren't earned, Points are earned and then "spent".

So if a person has earned 150 points, they can use those 150 points however they want. 

In your program it would be 50 for a Drinks, 100 for a Sweet, or 150 for a Bread/Sandwich.


Not so much levels to work their way up to, but just options to use their points for.


So they can get a Drink and still have 100 points left to use or save - or get a Sweet and have 50 points left to use or save - or get a Bread/Sandwich and have 0 points left.

If they decide to save up and then use 150 for the Bread/Sandwich, then yes, their 150 points would all disappear when they are redeemed, so they wouldn't be able to then get anything else too.

If you want each of your rewards to be the same value, then you can set them all for 50 points, or whatever number, and then they have their options for the same 50 points.

Hope this helps - or let me know if I'm missing the mark.

Maybe some more info from you would help me understand more!



Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
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