[New] Digital Loyalty Passes for Apple Wallet


Hi Sellers, 🌟


Introducing digital loyalty passes for Apple Wallet!

Available now to businesses using Square Loyalty on Square Register, Square Stand, and Square Reader for Contactless and Chip.


Give new customers more ways to enroll. When customers use Apple Pay at checkout, they can enroll in your loyalty program right from their phone. They can also add their loyalty pass to Apple Wallet from a digital receipt.


Streamline the customer experience. Once added, passes are automatically selected and used to check in and earn points when using Apple Pay, easing the check in process and improving buyer identification. Customers can also easily view points and rewards on their pass in Apple Wallet at any time.


Passes can be customized to match your brand. To customize your loyalty pass and drive engagement with your brand, add your digital logo and brand colors by visiting the Business information > Locations > select your main location in Square Dashboard (edit the image shown under "Point of Sale Checkout Background"). 



This feature has been auto-enabled for businesses using Square Loyalty onSquare Register, Square Stand, and Square Reader for Contactless and Chip. To disable, visit Settings > Apple Wallet in your Loyalty Dashboard.


For more information on Square Loyalty and how you can customize your pass for Apple Wallet, check out these support articles:




This is great but I wish the price for the loyalty subscription was more affordable for us micro entrepreneurs.

Square Champion

I saw this pop up at my local coffee shop, and I added their loyalty pass to my Apple Wallet. It's fantastic. 

I can check how many stars I have, check-in, and redeem my rewards using Apple Wallet. 



Happy you like the feature @TCSlaguna😊

Square Champion

@cspillane This is amazing! We actually just launched our loyalty program and so far, 2 days in, we aare doing really well getting everyone switched over. I have been getting all our customers who usse their apple wallet to add it to their wallet and they think it is really cool! 


Questions for you!

1. In the receipt section of my dashboard I am not seeing an option for customizing our apple wallet card look. Is it just taking whatever logo we use for digital receipts? I would love to be able to customize it a little more and maybe make the card a color!

2. I see that there is an option to tap the loyalty card. I tried tapping it on the customer facing screen instead of using my phone number to check in but nothing happened. I did notice that I do have different cards linked to it through my customer details in the apple wallet. Does that mean I can tap the loyalty badge as my payment and it would use my default card linked? Or does it not have a tap feature yet? I just noticed that when a customer clicks on their apple wallet loyalty badge it prompts them to "hold near reader". So what is supposed to happen when they hold it near the reader? 

So so excited to continuing exploring and getting my customers set up with loyalty!



Square Champion

Game changer!  Another reason that I love Square and Apple lol.  Now I have to see how to kinda simply it for our customers who have droids....but this I love.  We're setting up our loyalty features now and I think this will really hit home with our clients...plus we get so many now who ask about Apple Pay 🙂




When will this come to Android and why is it iOS only for now?

Square Champion

@G2Tactical, just a guess based upon my limited experiences playing around with programming mobile apps. iOS is much easier to make apps for.  Since Apple controls the hardware and software completely, they ensure that all devices, even old ones, can use features like this.  In the Android ecosystem, there are hundreds of devices, and most of them can’t take advantage of the newer operating systems because of hardware limitations.  Creating apps for Android takes more time, since developers have to ensure that it will work on as wide a range of OS as possible, and not just the most recent OS. 


It will come to Android, eventually, I’ll wager.  But it might be a while.  The product development team MIGHT weigh in with a projected date, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.  Like most developers, Square rarely discloses those dates for quite a few reasons, including the fact that something always happens to mess such plans up.


I’m going to flag this thread to the Customer Success Team so that they can see if there is possibly an Android beta test planned.  If so, maybe there is room on the list of beta testers to add you.  No promises, of course, but it can’t hurt to be there if it is available.


Best wishes,

Square Champion

@cspillane Wonderful!  I just saw @Kassi_’s message on the Request board, replying to @Adamscottsmith’s suggestion.  I’m looking forward to adding this when I open for the new ice cream season!

Square Champion

@LoveBarbara.… As a fellow seller, I do understand.  But allow me to give you a different perspective.  Last year I decided to dive into a Loyalty program for the first time in my 12 years of business.  I was skeptical but only because I, myself, do not use loyalty programs at any business I frequent.  I consider them too much trouble.  Ha.


Anyway, without boring you with the details, in my 2022 ice cream season, my loyalty customer average spend as TWICE what my other customers spent.  That exceeded even my wildest expectations.  This year, I’m going to really be pushing my loyalty program, because of that.  I see a lot of potential, since it is obvious to me that it is going to more than cover the monthly fee in increased sales and loyalty.


All the best,

Do you have any data on those regular customers prior to the loyalty program?

Square Champion

@G2Tactical I’m sure that I do.  However, that is some serious data crunching that would require that I download 2021 transactions to compare to 2022 for my current list of Loyalty customers. That is going to take some time to setup a spreadsheet to import and evaluate that information.  If I can come up with something reasonable, I’ll let you know the results.

Square Champion

@G2Tactical Here’s a quick, rough analysis of my Loyalty Enrolees, with a comparison of their 2022 vs. 2021 sales.  You’ll note that my loyalty customers spent right at $10k more with me in 2022 vs. 2021.  In my roughly 6-1/2 month ice cream season, that comes out to approximately $1,554 per month in loyalty sales. Of course, I had loyalty customers spent less in 2022 vs 2021, of about -$1,326.  The net additional sales is $8,779, or an additional $1,350 that my Loyalty Program netted me in gross sales.


And that was without making a huge push, with signage, etc.  I relied totally on my web site, some Facebook posts early in the season, and one mass email.  I really will be adding signage, text reminders to Loyalty customers to come back and redeem their rewards, and more text/email communication this year.


I hope that gives you a better picture.




Hi @Lovewell!


I'm excited to hear you're enjoying the product. 🙂 


To answer your questions in order:


  • Yes, customization for all your branding happens in the receipts screen (we are in the process of re-thinking the naming architecture here to make it more intuitive; apologies for the confusion). From here, the logo you upload will become the profile image shown on your digital loyalty pass, and all buyers will see this image when they add the pass to their Apple Wallet. In the future we're hoping to offer more customization (love the suggestion of enabling pass color changes so that you can better match your brand!). 


  • There are two ways to go about using the digital loyalty pass:
    1. The first is a 1-tap flow: when you or your buyer are looking at the payments screen + scan your credit card via Apple Pay, the digital loyalty pass will automatically pop-up and check you in at the same time as you're making payment. Apple Pay is designed to require the credit card for payment (Apple doesn't allow payments to be made with the passes themselves).
    2. The second is a 2-tap flow: when you or your buyer are on the "Enroll or check in" screen, you can pull up your digital loyalty pass to check in. From there, when you get to the payments screen, you can choose how you'd like to pay (e.g. Cash App, Apple Pay, or cash or a credit card from your physical wallet). 


I hope that answers your questions, but if not, feel free to continue to conversation with me!



Square Champion

We are frozen yogurt/ice cream no food, and have used the Square Loyalty program for 5 years now. Here's a glimpse of our 2022. Yes it works!!!







Square Champion

Wow @perkits! That’s amazing! I’m guessing that you promote the heck out of your program. I’m hoping for similar results this year, once I’m more pro-active! Thanks for the positive reinforcement!


Any promotional tips or advice are welcome! As well as advice for regular check-ins and follow-up? Speaking as a person who hates being pestered, when have you found that enough is enough, rather than too much? Lol

Square Champion

We ask EVERYONE at check out. "Do you have a number for our Loyalty Program?" if they say no, we ask if they would like to sign up. Usually the only customers that pass are from out of town. 

Square Champion

@cspillane hi Ciara!! Thank you so much for answering!! Okay so for the 2-tap flow, I have tried tapping the pass to check in, and it doesn’t seem to work.. it beeps but nothing happens it still stays on the page asking if I’d like to check in. 


Another question from recent using. So when we first started if a customer signed up for the program, and used Apple Pay and emailed themselves a receipt. They could go to the receipt and click the option to track their status which would take them to another page and that would give them the option of adding the pass to their apple wallet. (I have yet to have a customer be able to add it to their wallet during or immediately after the transaction while using Apple Pay.)

Now, when I have tried doing that same method, use Apple Pay, email receipt, click link to track status, to get my customers to be able to see the option of adding it to their apple wallet- it’s no longer giving that option…. I have checked all my settings and can’t seem to figure it out. I know it’s a new launch so I know it’s not going to be perfect but maybe you know something I don’t that can help me out?? 
thank you again so much!! You’re an incredible help and source of knowledge! I really appreciate you!



Square Champion

@TheRealChipA Now this is the Chef Chip answers and knowledge I have missed reading!!!!! So glad to see you back in the threads! 

Square Champion

@cspillane Is this only on Square Register? Or also on POS? As I see no options for this on my Dashboard nor on my iPhone.



Square Champion

I believe so. We use Square Terminal and haven't seen any changes. Apple Wallet Integration is turned on in settings.


Dashboard > Loyalty > Settings

then scroll to the bottom and you should see Apple Wallet

Square Champion

I have it turned on but it is not on my receipts


Square Champion

same here.... again I believe it's for Square Register for now. Maybe someone will clarify this.

Square Champion


Update: I see Apple Wallet on my Dashboard and clicked it on, but I do not see it on my receipts. 

I am on Square POS


Square Champion

It’s also working on Square POS for my other business. Can only use the check in feature on Square Register though. 1 thing I noticed is that if you also have Cash app enabled in your receipt settings then the Cash app signup blurb overrides the Apple Wallet blurb on the digital receipt. Once I toggled off the Cash app in receipt settings then the add to Apple Wallet button showed up on the receipt. Also only works with digital receipts 

Square Champion

For those of you that aren’t seeing the “ add to Apple Wallet “ button on your digital receipt try going into receipt settings from dashboard and toggle off the Cash App blurb. I discovered that the Cash app overrides the add to wallet button. Makes sense since Block owns Cash app. You will still be able to accept Cash App as payment, it just removes the sign up blurb. Check in via Apple Wallet only works on Square Register though. 


Hi @GourmetOnWheels! Sellers using the Square Register hardware will have this feature. (POS is software.)


Hi @perkits! Yes, this is for sellers using Square Register only. 

Square Champion

will this be coming to those of us using Square Terminal?    Thanks

Square Champion

Will it be available to POS anytime? As in my Dashboard, I can set it to Apple Wallet



Square Champion

It’s on the receipts sent from my Botanicals store that runs Square POS on iPad. Doesn’t let them check in since there’s no front facing screen but let’s them add the loyalty card to Apple wallet so they can track rewards 


@GourmetOnWheels POS is the software that runs on all our hardware devices.


The limitation is on the Square hardware, not the Square software — meaning it's available on POS today, but only for sellers using Square Register. That's because Square Register has the buyer facing screen that allows the buyer to check-in using the pass. Does that make sense? 


And good point that @homeprogreen made below. 🙂 While buyers can't check-in using the pass, they can still track their points and rewards if they have an iOS (Apple) device. 

Square Champion

@cspillane None of my customers have ever paid me with the Square Cash App, nor with Venmo and I do not use Venmo. the bulk of my payment are with cards and the bulk of that is Apple Pay.

What Pass? "That allows the buyer to check-in using the pass"




Square Champion

Once you toggle on the Apple wallet button in your dashboard receipt settings then when the customer gets a digital receipt on their IOS device there’s a button for them to add your loyalty pass to their apple wallet. It lets them track their rewards and if you are using Square Register it allows them to check in with their phone. One thing I found is that if you also have the cash app blurb toggled on in receipts then that one overrides the apple wallet one. 


@legourmet The Digital Loyalty Passes for Apple Wallet (see the post that started this thread — there are images in the post that show you what the passes look like for Apple Wallet).

Square Champion

@cspillane #1 Square Register is pricey #2 Hard to find a spot on my table at my farmers' market.


Will it work with 4G LTE or 5G


Or will this work with Square Terminal as that is also customer facing just like my phone



Square Champion

Your connection shouldn't play a factor, as long as you have WiFi, LTE or 5G. But I think this only works for Square Register for now. We use Square Stand with Square Terminal and haven't seen any changes.

Square Champion

It is not clear on the website if Square Register works with Wifi, LTE 5G, or only ethernet.



Square Champion

@GourmetOnWheelsif I remember correctly, both the Register and Terminal do not have their own cellular connection. The only way you can get them online outside a wifi network is to hotspot your phone (or similar device)

Square Champion

WiFi or Ethernet only. No LTE 5G on the Square Register but it will connect to one of those little Cellular 5G Jetpacks that broadcasts a WiFi signal 

Square Champion

Hey @cspillane that completely makes sense about Register's buyer facing display. Are there any thoughts about configuring the Connected Terminal linked to POS/SFR/Retail(?) so that buyers can check in on that? This would be seriously helpful!

Square Champion

@homeprogreen  Dueling responses! Woot! 😝

Square Champion

true and your hotspot would be LTE or 5G. Or if you have an iPad with LTE or 5G built in. I have used my iPhone's hotspot for a full day before when the internet was down. 


Hi @ryanwanner! Configuring for Terminal is something the team is currently looking into but at this time I don't have any specific updates / timelines to share. 


@GourmetOnWheels Configuring for Terminal is something the team is currently looking into but at this time I don't have any specific updates / timelines to share. 

Square Champion

Thanks!!! this would be great!!!


@Lovewell Hi Rachel! Apologies for the delay in getting back to you — I've been discussing this with the team trying to figure out what the issue might be. Do you mind if I email you directly so we can troubleshoot together? 

Square Champion

@cspillane Terminal would be perfect as that does not take up a lot of space on my table

as it is hand held


Square Champion

@cspillane Sure! I do think I may have fixed the problem. I unintegrated cashapp so now when it asks if someone wants to check their status it takes them to the square page that shows their stars and gives them the option to add it to their apple wallet!

Square Champion

You would think that in 2023 when your PC and your Mac have Wifi, Ethernet, and Bluetooth and your phone has Wifi, 4GLTE,  5G, and Bluetooth,  Register, and Terminal would have the same connections.

Not with Square for now. And that is unbelievable. 



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