[Roundup] 🍁 September 2024 🍁 Product Updates and New Features

Hey everyone!


Is it fall, y'all? I'll tell you one thing is for sure, summer isn't over here in the sweltering southwest! I hope you are staying cool, dry, and most importantly safe wherever you are reading this from. This month the September 2024 roundup of all the new product updates posted in the US Seller Community is short and sweet, so let's get to it!


The Roundup

  1. [New] A Simple Way To Create Item Descriptions In Way Less Time
  2. [New] Goods and Services Confirmation on Square Invoices
  3. [New] Customer Search on Square for Franchises


1. [New] A Simple Way To Create Item Descriptions In Way Less Time

🏷 Square Inventory Management


Writing good descriptions for every single item you sell takes up a ton of time. Time that you don’t have which could be used to grow your business. Now, it’s easier than ever to make sure every item has an accurate and compelling description to help it sell quickly, and grow your sales.

➡️ Read the full update 



2. [New] Goods and Services Confirmation on Square Invoices

🏷️ Square Invoices


We’ve recently added a new Goods and Services Confirmation feature setting in Square Invoices. With this setting enabled, buyers will be required to check a box confirming they received and accepted the goods and/or services on an order. This is designed to help provide sellers with an extra level of support that can be used as backup documentation in the event of a payment dispute from the buyer.

➡️ Read the full update



3. [New] Customer Search on Square for Franchises

🏷️ Square for Franchises


We have made it easier for you to search for a customer across your entire franchise. To help you better manage and triage customer support inquiries, we are enabling a  customer search capability to allow you to search for customers across your entire franchise by name, email, and phone # from within your Square operating merchant account. 

➡️ Read the full update



💡 Tip: If you missed any of these posts, remember to subscribe to Product Updates posts. To be notified of each new post, click the button below and then select Options > Subscribe.


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