
Split a single item

Split a single item

Allow us to split an item on a check. This used to be annoying, now my staff are using it as a way to steal from me. I will be switching to Toast if there is not a fix soon. This SIMPLE feature that is basic on every other restaurant POS has been requested for years. 

4 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Split a single item - Status changed to: Needs Beta Testers

Hi @AlexMPH - you're absolutely right! @makedonas, same to you. I had too many tabs open and was trying to update too many things at once and made a mistake. This feature is in beta. I'll go back and edit my previous post too. Thanks for tagging me!

Beta Test Group can be found here: https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Restaurants-Item-Splits/gh-p/RSTItemSplits


️ Kristen
Square Community Manager
Product Engagement

Verified Answer

Re: Split Check by Seat Number - Restaurant POS

Thanks for the loop in, @AndySQ.


Hey @Jtay, I want to thank you for your honestly. The item splitting feature has been a long-standing feature request from sellers such as yourself, and I empathise with the frustration of its absence while being commonplace on other platforms. I can also see why not being able to organise seats within a bill would disrupt your day-to-day operations and your staff. 


Item splitting is firmly on our roadmap, and our team is actively working towards implementing it. Unfortunately, we don't have a specific timeline for its release at the moment, but we will be sure to be in touch whenever this feature can be tested or released on the Square for Restaurants platform. 


I have shared your feedback with our product teams in the meantime. Feedback like yours above helps us determine how we can prioritise new features for Square's payment platform. 


Let me know if there is anything else I can help with. 



Verified Answer

Re: Split Check by Seat Number - Restaurant POS

Looping in @AdrianaPortillo and @k_atie, who are working on our Split by Seat Beta and may be able to give a better idea of when you'll have access to more options for splitting tickets by seat and handling larger groups with more complex needs.

While I don't think that split by seat on its own will hit all of the requests that have come up in this thread, it is a step in the right direction.

It may not always feel like it but threads like this do make a difference, and we recognize that it puts you and your staff in a difficult position when our software doesn't meet their expectations.

I'm sorry that it's taken this long to make progress, and that there's still more work to be done to tick all of these boxes, but thank you for your patience and for reiterating how important these features are for you and so many other businesses that use Square for Restaurants.

Verified Answer

Re: Split Check by Seat Number - Restaurant POS

@Jtay Thanks for pointing out these gaps in Square for Restaurants that you'd like to see filled, and for being so unequivocal.  These are relatively small changes that would make a big difference, especially for businesses like yours!

All of these updates are being worked on by our product team, and unvarnished points of view like these from real folks do inform how and when we release new options.  Part of my job here is to amplify and share input like this to the right ears. 👂

I don't blame you for being cynical, especially in a thread that's been open for this long - But I hope we'll have good news for yourself and the other folks that need more options for handling items and seat-linked tickets in the future.

97 Replies

Just checking to see if engineering might be adding this in the new system that's starting to go into beta testing? I would love to know if this has been added to a roadmap.

@bdaneu Thanks for bringing this up and following through. Agreed that engineering is out of touch with what restaurants need and want. This is a customer-centred request that will enable us to serve our clientelle better.

We would also really like to have this feature. It is turning into an issue for us not being able to do a specific Item split. 

You did a great job with Square for retail. Please make same for restaurant, now seats organizing just awful. Split item and split by seats it’s a most needed functions for any Table Service Restaurant POS. 

Square Community Moderator

Hi @kozak , this request has been previously submitted by another seller. We appreciate you sharing your business use case and why it would be valuable for you. I have merged your submission with the other request here


If you know of any fellow Seller Community members who would like to see this built out as well, feel free to tag them in your post so they can share their thoughts as well! The more sellers chime into the request, the more likely it is to catch our product team's eye.

Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open

Also requesting this much needed feature....

any update on this? Huge pain point. Easy fix. Any work being done on this?


This lack of feature from square is astounding. Being able to split items so a table can share small plates, wine etc is such a basic thing to do. Square has made this platform to complicated, all they had to do was take POS, Litespeed, Micros and every other functioning system out there, see what works and implement fit for themselves.


Im using this for my restaurant now and am honestly going to garbage the whole thing. The team keeps saying 'we'll look at' but it's almost 2024 and everyone dines by sharing items. They do this to try everything. 


Secondly having to split seats onto other tabs is a time consuming waste of work. Once again every functional pos lets you edit seats, share seats and split seats from the SAME SCREEN


I can go on and on about the lack of functionality but what's the point. They dont listen

Please add this feature!! It is very uncomfortable to not have this simple function in a pos system. It looks like a lot of people need it too..