
How to hide price for specific viewers?

Before my question,please read this artical first:

Thanks to BJ for the code to hide price on site,but now I'm looking for a new usage about this code

In order to prevent our competitors from knowing our prices
I used the code by BJ to hide them under the shadow
But now sometimes customers would like to see prices without asking us,since it may waste both our time
I wonder if I can create a new page / a new code that can hide all prices on my website as usual - but I can show them to specific viewers I want to?

For example,if you're the customer and you're wondering about my products price,I can show you a page with product informations with price,but to others they still can't see the prices

I think it will be very useful for some operators on Weebly

Thank you for your patience,and I'm looking forward a good solution for it
Have a nice daySmiley Happy

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I think it would be difficult to do that since there wouldn't be a way for the site to know if someone viewing it was a customer or a competitor. You might be able to get around that by putting products elements on Members-only pages, although that means that someone would have to become a member before being able to see anything.

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