
Feature request management needs help

I feel like I'm getting disappointing support from a product that's a crucial piece of my business infrastructure, and one where I'm actively offering you guys more (be my online store! I'll pay the highest level!) -- but you can't do what I want (fine) or even manage the request with me (not fine).

I actually chatted with a rep first today, and while they were great, they couldn't help. The best they could do was tell me to come here and submit feature ideas, where they're probably just going to languish on a post. Can't your staff take down ideas? Track them? 

Also, please don't put a pretty gloss on it -- I do not want a fun, gamified "badge" for submitting my first post to the forums. I want the features I want from the product.

When I tried to post this to your feedback survey, I was told it was too many characters. So I'm posting it here to get the feedback registered. 

Message 1 of 3

And my current status on these forums is "TOURIST." 

I am not. I am a customer who came here for help. 

Message 4 of 3

You have discovered the modus operandi of Weebly.

"We designed it like that intentionally as a failure, why don't you suggest it as a vote on feature so it can sit in the forums and rot."

You might get better support here in the forums, but you can also try their Facebook. Unfortunately, you have to try all avenues to get any sort of service or speak to a human with more than a hand-off cop-out response here. There are suggestions that have been in "we're working on it" and "we're considering it" for over 4 years. What we have here is a middle man company that can barely manage their own product. How can a company honestly claim "we are working on it" when it has literally been over 4 years. What the hell sort of timeline is that? They have a really interesting way of defining work. 

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