
Can I ask why we still have to buy apps multiple times.

When we purchase an app through the Weebly App Store. Why can't we use that said app on all of the sites that we on our account? 

The paid apps idea is neat, but if I have to buy a app 4 or 5 times just to have that app usable on mysites it isn't worth it. I won't be buying another app, till I can buy an app for my account instead of single website. 

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Message 1 of 5
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hey there Jkund17!

Pricing and usage can vary from app to app. If you'd like to see a particular app available on every site at a certain rate, you may want to contact the app's developers, as well.

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Message 3 of 5


why?  Do you sell pictures by unit or one price lets people buy everything you have?  You can develop most of those apps yourself or hiring some one and you can have unlimited use.  If you hire it will cost you lot more than price of an app.

Message 2 of 5

Best Answer

Hey there Jkund17!

Pricing and usage can vary from app to app. If you'd like to see a particular app available on every site at a certain rate, you may want to contact the app's developers, as well.

Message 3 of 5

@Queso:  That is a news to me, but a useful information.

Message 4 of 5

What? I've been told by multiple devs that's how Weebly is choosing to run the app store. Perfect example would be this: There is a pretty straight forward blogging improvemnt app you can buy for you site. But it's only for the site you're currently working on. (Link to app Bloggons) Which is fine if you only have one site. But some of us have multiple sites, I have have four domain sites that I'm running. And each have a blog and or multiple blogs that could really benefit from this app as Weebly is lacking in this dept. But in order to have this paid app on all of my site I need to buy it 4 times. And there's no way for the devlopers to create price teir for users with multiple sites. Such as instead of paying $40 for 4 different sites. Maybe the devs would be able to do a, say $25 teir for x amount of sites that you'd on your account. Instead of full price. As right now it feels like I'm left to purchase missing elements of Weebly, on top paying a membership fee. 

Message 5 of 5