
Square Register stuck in offline mode

My Square register is stuck in offline mode and says internet is not available, my laptop has wifi. I have tried everything, Ethernet, wifi, used my cell phones wifi and nothing will work. I've confirmed all those connections work with my laptop. If I turn my square off and on will I lose all my offline transactions? I have a good amount of them, and if I lost all of today sales it will kill my small business. I've been on hold for square for over an hour, and then it hung up on me.


PS If you're going to put people on hold for that long, please play more than one song on repeat.    

Message 1 of 61
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Re: Square Register stuck in offline mode

@Borealis and @SweetScience You do not want to reset your Square Register if you have pending offline mode payments as that will erase them. 


Also, your Registers should not be jumping into offline mode and staying there. I would feel frustrated by that too! It sounds like you need to contact our Support Team so they can work with you over the phone and file a bug or give a warranty for the hardware. 

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@Borealis and @SweetScience You do not want to reset your Square Register if you have pending offline mode payments as that will erase them. 


Also, your Registers should not be jumping into offline mode and staying there. I would feel frustrated by that too! It sounds like you need to contact our Support Team so they can work with you over the phone and file a bug or give a warranty for the hardware. 

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Message 5 of 61

Square support seems to just have me reboot the system, unplug my internet, unplug the square register and then forget the network, and try again. Do not pass go, do not collect 200, go to jail. That's how I feel.


I purchased a wifi extender to see if that would help. In the interim, I'm connected to my iPhone's hotspot, and that seems to work well. But definitely not a long term solution.  I have to assume that something happened with Square's hardware update, and this latest version is not allowing us to sync with just a "good" wifi signal. It has to be "Excellent"



Message 22 of 61

We are having the same issue. We have to turn it off and on several times a day. During a busy times it is so frustrating! 

Message 23 of 61
Square Community Moderator

Hi @MykalS,


Thanks for writing in, and welcome to the Seller Community!


I'm sorry to hear about the frustrating experience with your Square Register. Have you had a chance to check if your Register is on the most up to date software version available? It would also be worth reaching out to Support here, so we can take a closer look, and go through some troubleshooting steps, or file a ticket if necessary. Please let us know how you go 🙂

Message 24 of 61

We are having the same problems with our Register! I just sent a support request to Support. I have previously had repeated unsuccessful conversations with your support personnel, so I'm not terribly optimistic. Honestly, I believe your hardware has problems and needs to be replaced. Or maybe we just need a different provider. Hope not!

Message 25 of 61
Square Community Moderator

Hello @bbrier3


Sorry to hear about your experience so far. Do you know if your device still has a warranty? You may be able to exchange it, not sure if this is an option you have contemplated. 



Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 26 of 61

I don't know if there is still a warranty. The unit was delivered when we bought the business in June or July of 2020.


You are the first to suggest that changing out the Register might solve the issue and I have been complaining about this problem for over a year. As something of a tech guy myself I know that troubleshooting an intermittent flaw can be devilishly difficult to track down. Nevertheless, we cannot run our business with a glitchy system, so unless Square can come up with a fix I will probably have to change to another provider (AND LET THE COMMUNITY KNOW ABOUT IT!)


If a hardware change can solve this issue I believe this should be at Square's cost, including all shipping. It's worth a try. 



Message 27 of 61

it’s been about 2 months since this started happening, I have since installed a WiFi extender and it seems to have worked. For whatever reason, the square register needed an “excellent” signal versus before, it only required a “good” signal. I hope it does the trick! Otherwise. I’ve showed my staff how to connect to an iPhone Hotspot in the interim. 

Message 28 of 61

One of our coffee shop locations is having this issue AGAIN. It first happened months ago, but hardwiring ethernet and turning off wifi seemed to fix it...until about a week ago. It's still hardwired, wifi is off, and the register has started dropping to offline erratically, but only for a few seconds at a time before coming back, causing issues with online order printing. Restarting the register does nothing to solve. @Square we need a solution! 

Message 29 of 61

Just wanted to +1 about this problem.  It is VERY frustrating, especially when it decides to jump into offline mode in the middle of a transaction.  They we have to tell the customer that their chip wasn't read and that they now have to take their card back out and swipe it..

We have done all the usual IT tricks.  I know it's not our internet because our wireless music doesn't cut out. Glad I'm not the only one.  

We were saved a couple of times during the T Day rush by having our old Square Stand up and running...

Message 30 of 61
Square Community Moderator

Sorry to hear about the frustrating experience with your Square Register, @lisasomerville. When you get a chance, reach out to our support team, so we can take a closer look at your device. 

Message 31 of 61

I hope I fixed it. I eventually got a WIFI Extender so that my connection went from Good to Excellent. Then it has so far avoided going off-line. Something with that last update requires the platform to have Excellent connection in order to connect now. 


But...my regular iPad stand does sometimes "lose connection" even though it's on a data plan. (not wifi)

I don't know. I guess you win some, you lose some. 

Message 32 of 61

Mine just started about a month ago.  Seems like every time I start to make a transaction it goes offline.  Called and spoke to 5 (YES I said 5) different people that referred me to different departments and finally said they would have someone call me back.  It's now been 2.5 weeks since that call and nothing.  After being a great client for almost a decade I think it may be time to take my business elsewhere.

Message 33 of 61
Square Community Moderator

I am personally sorry about this experience @SpeedyThreads. Could you tell me if you have performed Troubleshooting steps and what they were so we don't have to start from the beginning?


In case you haven't received any troubleshooting steps I would recommend to start with the basic ones found here.  If those steps do not address the issue then we would need to investigate this a little deeper and consider if a warranty replacement would help here. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 34 of 61

Why is square sending people elsewhere. I’ve been with you all for over 10 years. This is not uncommon. Send the update that fixes this. We have it happen atleast twice a year for 3-5 days at a time. 

not able to sit on the phone to talk to a rep that has no answers but to restart the system. 

Message 35 of 61
Square Community Moderator

Hi @FragrantBodyOil  - Welcome to The Seller Community, it's always nice to see a new face 😊


I totally understand your frustration.

I can totally see the need for an update like this and how beneficial it could be. I'll be happy to move this over to support board so that our engineers have visibility of your suggestion. We appreciate you sharing your request. While there is no time frame for when it will be implemented, i'm happy to make sure our engineers have eyes on your request. 


As always, feel free to stop by The Community with question, concerns and even feature requests. We are more than happy to assist.


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 36 of 61

Its still not working and having eyes out on an issue that stops us from collecting payments is not a sufficient response. Ive started the warranty process and even though Im eligible its stating I need to contact support for that. Will someone inbox me so they can start my warranty claim. We have not been able to accept cards now for SIX days. 

Message 37 of 61
Square Community Moderator

At Square, we always aim to deliver a great experience, and we are gutted that this is happening with your Register. Thanks for taking the time to bring this to our attention. 


Here is a link to the return form to get your Register returned.


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 38 of 61

We're having this exact same issue. Register has been working fine for a couple months now all of the sudden it's stuck in offline mode. We do a lot of online and delivery orders but none of those orders come through to the register because it thinks it has no connection.


Every other device is able to get on wifi just fine. My phone which is on the same network and is sitting right next to the register is fine.


Spent a couple hours on the phone with support yesterday and the best answer was we might need a new Register. Sounds like this issue has been years in the making @Square and nothing has been done?

Message 39 of 61

We've been having the same exact issue here for about a year now. Customer Service is always blaming our internet...which doesn't seem to be a problem fro the numerous other items connected to it? Square sucks.

Message 40 of 61

I’m glad I found this thread bc I have had several issues with my terminal going offline, even with every other electronic connected to the Wi-Fi working perfectly. I’ve called customer service 3x and they “fix” it temporarily but then it happens again a week later. I’m so over this stupid expensive terminal, I want to throw it away. Apple should replace or refund me my $800 at this point.

Message 41 of 61
Square Community Moderator

I am sorry to hear about this experience @Maneaddiction. I know this isn't the solution to this issue but have you tried connecting the Square Terminal to another wireless connection, say your home Wi-Fi network? I am just trying to see if the behavior is the same no matter the network you are connected to. 


You mentioned working with Support several times, could you share what troubleshooting have you already completed? Want to make sure I don't put you through the same steps again. 


Thanks in advance!


P.S. Welcome to the Seller Community

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 42 of 61