
Items not available

My website is showing ‘not available ‘when I try to buy, only occasionally it works. I have upgraded ? Please inform….


my site : www.eveclairetaylor.com


Message 1 of 9
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Hey @Eve1, welcome to the Seller Community. 


Sorry to hear you're running into this and thank you for linking your site. 


There are a few different reasons items may be appearing as unavailable on your site such as:


- Items not being listed as visible

- Item Stock Not Listed or Tracked 

- Mobile Location vs Physical Location

- Item Variations Missing Prices


When you have a moment please run through the checklist posted by Valentina on this thread


Let me know if you are still experiencing this error message actioning all of the suggestions on that post marked as the best answer, thanks! 



Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Message 2 of 9
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Alegra. PLEASE help me - I'm freaking out.  I have just paid for advertising to direct people to my shop, and the shop has stopped working.  It has stuff available in stock, BUT when someone tries to order it, it says 'not available'.  I have no idea how to fix this.  I'm too nervous to fiddle with it incase I completely mess up the shop.

Thanks in advance


Message 3 of 9
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Hi @The-Bling, sorry to see trouble has brought you here.


Can you double-check that your fulfilment settings are set up correctly? 

From what I see on your site everything looks ready to go so usually if we missed a step with fulfilment we can see errors like this. 

Here's some more information on the available options, depending on how you want to fulfil your orders. 


Let me know how these steps go! 

Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Message 4 of 9
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Hi Alegra

The problem rectified itself overnight, and now it has happened again.  Nothing has changed.

This is so frustrating.  I'm going to look at Squarespace now, as I cannot cope with this.



Message 5 of 9
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Alegra, can you please tell me if I am able to see if anyone has anything in their baskets? Is it at all possible that someone is adding all my stock items to their basket and then just leaving it there? That would in my opinion show still available on the site, BUT not show as available to buy until they have completed their basket? I know it sounds crazy, but is it possible?

Message 6 of 9
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I have been through all the troubleshooting and there is not a problem with my site.  I do not know what it is.  This is an intermittent thing.  

Message 7 of 9
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Hi Cathy, thanks for letting me know. 


I'm sorry to hear this issue is ongoing, I understand how stressful this can be. 


In this case, since this issue is time sensitive, I would suggest getting in touch with our Customer Support team directly. We aren't able to look into your account and settings here in the Community, unfortunately.


You can call our support on 0800 - 098 8008, 9 AM- 5 PM, Mon-Fri or you can send us an email here https://squ.re/3k4g2sg. Our support team will be happy to take a look into this for you. @The-Bling 

Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Message 8 of 9
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Hi Alegra


In desperation I contacted Square via Facebook.  They have logged a report, and will try and fix it.  I suspect it is something simple, but its so odd.  I have a friend who also has a square store (he has had one for ages) and he has taken a look, and says he cannot see why it would be doing that - ie showing the stock as available to sell, but when you click on an item, it shows 'not available'.  
The times you have given, what time zone is that based on, and is it a US number or UK?  I am in the UK.
Kind regards and thank you for trying to help


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