Square Champion

A random transaction will not show up in reports.

We have a single transaction that is "stalled" for some reason. It happened to a single customer the other day who asked for their itemized receipt. So an employee tried to pull up the most recent activity where the transaction showed up but it would not let us print a receipt or use any other functions (it was all greyed-out). I think that it said "pending" somewhere on that screen. The transaction moments before was available, and the transaction after was instantly available... But for some reason, this transaction would not go through (I should mention this was a cash transaction). Tried recycling the wifi, restarting Square etc... It's only that 1 single transaction that I do not have access to, and does not show up in any reports.

There is a small #1 notification hovering on top of the Square app icon as though there is 1 transaction that happened while the device was offline... I thought maybe it would go through eventually, but I'm about 48 hours in, and it's still there. 

The transaction does not show up in any of my reports, or summaries... Only as a pending transaction when I look at recent activity and scroll down to Monday's sales.

Any recommendations on how to proceed? I know it sounds trivial, but it's driving me crazy.

Message 1 of 11
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

The other thing you can do is delete and reinstall the app, but that may cause you to lose your offline payment (more info in this Support Center article about troubleshooting the app). If you're ok with that transaction disappearing, that could be an option that would get rid of the number notification for you. Let me know what you think! 

View Best Answer >

Message 5 of 11

Hmmm, that would drive me crazy too, @LocavoreStore! Sounds like you already tried turning the wifi off and back on. Can you also try turning your mobile device on and off and force quitting the app? Let me know once you've done those steps and we can take it from there - we'll get it figured out. 😊

Message 2 of 11
Square Champion

Thanks! I won't have a chance today to power cycle the device. But I will in the morning, and report back.

Message 3 of 11
Square Champion

Okay @Kpay
So I recycled the ipad, the wifi, app, etc. That random transaction is still hung up for some reason... I'd "refund" it, then "ring" it back up as another transaction, but I cannot use any of the usual functions on that transaction, and I cannot from the dashboard either, because it hasn't actually "gone through" yet. So it doesn't show up as a sale.

All I can think to do now is sign-out and back into the square app... I'll try that later today

Message 4 of 11

Best Answer

The other thing you can do is delete and reinstall the app, but that may cause you to lose your offline payment (more info in this Support Center article about troubleshooting the app). If you're ok with that transaction disappearing, that could be an option that would get rid of the number notification for you. Let me know what you think! 

Message 5 of 11
Square Champion

Hey @Kpay

Thanks for the help! I'm not sure what did it, but the transaction went through at some point.

Message 6 of 11

I DO NOT want to lose what I earned through sweat and hard work, thus resulting in everyone getting their items for free!!!!!!!!!  If I was sure shutting down would receive all of my transactions, I would do it, but to lose even 1 is a hardship for me.  There has to be another solution.  If I could just speak with someone, it would be great.

Message 7 of 11
Square Community Moderator

Sorry to hear you are having trouble reaching the phone team! Our chat/messaging reps are also available and have the same access to accounts as the phone team. 


Can you please try logging into your account, and then opening THIS link? 

Message 8 of 11

I also did not write down each of the credit card numbers from those transactions, which was the whole point of using Square in the first place!!!

Message 9 of 11
Square Community Moderator

I definitely recommend reaching out to the team, @sefran 


The account you are logged into here on community is (most likely) not the same account you are referring to. We have limited access to accounts from this page, but the last transaction I can see is from 2021. 


It's possible you are not logged into the correct account, but again, it's not something I can confirm from this forum. 


Please try reaching out to the team using the support link I posted in my previous reply. A rep will be able to review the account with you one on one. 

Message 10 of 11

Only 2 of my 5 or 6 credit card transactions showed up on my transactions list for yesterday.  I have been trying all day to get in touch with Square customer service to find out why.  I called the 800# and got a recording stating a text message would be sent to my cell, but, of the 6 times I tried, I have not received anything!  At this point, I am not a happy customer.  I was going to request a "touch" pad for future use since none of my 3 slide throughs work and I end up having to type in everything manually, but now I am wondering if I should even stay with Square.

Message 11 of 11