
Request to be able to continue sell items with 0 inventory available.

I'm writing to suggest that we be able to both Track Inventory AND continue selling with 0 inventory.

Currently at 0 inventory a Sold Out block occurs even if 'Sold Out' is toggled OFF in Settings. 

People could still use the Sold Out toggle if they want things to show sold out, but NOT toggle it if they don't - like me.


Currently I am not able to use Track Inventory at all, which is frustrating. If we sell down to zero, which our best selling products DO, then suddenly they are not available at all for purchase and sales are lost. 


A little background as to why this would work better for us -

We do not keep all inventory on hand - we place orders from our vendors on-demand as they are purchased. 

Message 1 of 4

With inventory tracking enabled, items require a stock amount which means that the item cannot be sold when the stock depletes.


If you don't have a set number of inventory on hand, there's no need to track stock. Just turn it off within the edit item page in Dashboard so your items don't appear 'Sold Out' on your site @nbs 


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 4

What if you have products on hand and use drop shipping? Is there away to track what I have on hand but still accept orders when I sale out with I have on hand?

Message 3 of 4

I also need this feature.  I need to track the stock I have on hand, but can replenish as needed, so I want to be able to sell past 0.


So for example, we purchase 50 to keep a minimum inventory on hand.  We need to be able to track those 50 units, but when it reaches 0, I dont want the online store to display Out of Stock, and customers still should be able to buy it, because I can purchase more.  It'd be the same for any Square merchant who makes custom product...they need to manage the stock of what they have, but still sell when it hits 0 because they can make more.  We offer local delivery or shipping for fulfillment options.  

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