
store front

How can I setup the store front so a customer can add multiple items to the cart?

Message 1 of 2

Hi Bolrc,


This appears to be a common question as it comes up a lot.  Unfortunately, there's no one complete guide that has every detail.  That would be great if there was but, since there's always improvements to the system, it would be a challenge to keep a guide updated. 

Square has a lot of info available to get you started.  A little searching goes a long way.  Note, there are even some YouTube Videos out there.  And depending on your experience working with websites, there is a learning curve.  Suggest first that your Square Account is setup completely with all of your business details.  Assuming you're looking at selling online as you mentioned - here's a starting point.  There's also some great info here.  Start out simple with a few items and your site design - once you see how things work, you can build on that.  The members here have quite a bit of experience and most likely you're going to have more questions down the road.

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