
Multiple categories per item

As of 2024 Square allows for a single reporting category, but you can add an item to as many other categories as you would like.  However, when exporting my item catalog I cannot figure out how to export these alternate categories.  There's a column which shows the reporting category, but that's all.   Am I missing something?  Is there some way to be able to export, and then import the alternate categories for an item?  Seems odd that a catalog export doesn't include all of the info about an item, doesn't it?

Message 1 of 4
1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hey @RobGuiher.  Since this whole new multiple category thing is very new, I’ll agree that it seems odd but that it’s probably just an oversight.  This very recent feature went through a beta test but I guess that subject didn’t come up and you are the first to bring it up here that I know of.  I double-checked a few things and confirmed that I don’t see a way to export/import these either.  So all I can recommend is that you head over to the Ideate Board and submit a feature request to the Reporting Team.  They will review it and let you know if they are going to add it to a future roadmap for Square Reports.



If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 2 of 4
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hey @RobGuiher.  Since this whole new multiple category thing is very new, I’ll agree that it seems odd but that it’s probably just an oversight.  This very recent feature went through a beta test but I guess that subject didn’t come up and you are the first to bring it up here that I know of.  I double-checked a few things and confirmed that I don’t see a way to export/import these either.  So all I can recommend is that you head over to the Ideate Board and submit a feature request to the Reporting Team.  They will review it and let you know if they are going to add it to a future roadmap for Square Reports.



If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 2 of 4

Thanks Chip.  I appreciate the validation that I wasn't missing anything.  It's been submitted...

Message 3 of 4

This didn't get solved. I'm having the same issues. Can this be addressed again? Kinda ridiculous that we can have multiple categories but I can't bulk update them? I have over 500 items I'm trying to categorize one for reporting/one for website and now cannot.

Message 4 of 4