
How to split item costs among event tickets?

   I run a wine shop, and we have started having private tastings, in which the wine and snacks we provide are part of the overall experience, not charged a la carte. We charge a flat price per person, and then we choose what wines and snacks we serve to everyone. I can create an event item for the tickets, but it doesn't pull the inventory out as sold (i.e., I sell ten tickets for $30 each, but I'm splitting the cost of four bottles of wine, two blocks of cheese, a box of crackers among those tickets). We've just been doing inventory re-counts to make the stock numbers correct, but it's not marking those items as sold.

   I could create a bundle for all the food and wine and price it $300 for total of all the tickets, but then I would have to split it ten ways at checkout and have everyone pay at the same time, and that's not feasible (people will drift in and out of the event, plus they often want to purchase other things as well as their tickets).

   Does anyone have any suggestions?



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Square Champion

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@tiptopwineshop ; What you could do is similar to what you thought of, create a Bundle of :

    1 Admission of price ????

    1 Wine glass

    1 slice of cheese

    1 pack of Crackers



So the bundle per person would be $3.00  ( $30 / 10 ppl )

Here is more about Bundles in Square : 8057-create-managing-bundles-with-square-for-retail 


You would need Sell by units where 1 bottle = X number of glasses of wine; 1 Block of Cheese = number of slices; and how many crackers total per selling quantity.  ( 500 packs per case, 1 pack per admission)

Here is more of the Sell By Units - 7237-stock-conversion-sell-by-units 


So at time of sale admission you could ring up 10 or 11 people at once, just ring up Admission and adjust the quantity for number of guests coming in.  This way you would not only have to sell to exactly 10 people but could sell to 9 or 11 or any number. 



So first creat the Sell by units, this would get your Glass of wine instead of 1/4 of a bottle.  Then after you have all these conversions you can add the Glass for example to a bundle.  Create a Name for the Bundle  Wine tasting evening.  Then when people come in you search for Wine Tasting Evening, which will show as 1 item but remove all items from the bundle.  If you want to sell 8 Wine Tasting Evenings you change the quantity sold from 1 to 8 (or what ever your selling 10 in your example).

Pocono Candle

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Message 2 of 2
Square Champion

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@tiptopwineshop ; What you could do is similar to what you thought of, create a Bundle of :

    1 Admission of price ????

    1 Wine glass

    1 slice of cheese

    1 pack of Crackers



So the bundle per person would be $3.00  ( $30 / 10 ppl )

Here is more about Bundles in Square : 8057-create-managing-bundles-with-square-for-retail 


You would need Sell by units where 1 bottle = X number of glasses of wine; 1 Block of Cheese = number of slices; and how many crackers total per selling quantity.  ( 500 packs per case, 1 pack per admission)

Here is more of the Sell By Units - 7237-stock-conversion-sell-by-units 


So at time of sale admission you could ring up 10 or 11 people at once, just ring up Admission and adjust the quantity for number of guests coming in.  This way you would not only have to sell to exactly 10 people but could sell to 9 or 11 or any number. 



So first creat the Sell by units, this would get your Glass of wine instead of 1/4 of a bottle.  Then after you have all these conversions you can add the Glass for example to a bundle.  Create a Name for the Bundle  Wine tasting evening.  Then when people come in you search for Wine Tasting Evening, which will show as 1 item but remove all items from the bundle.  If you want to sell 8 Wine Tasting Evenings you change the quantity sold from 1 to 8 (or what ever your selling 10 in your example).

Pocono Candle

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