
Capture Proof of Pickup. New feature request

How to capture that customers came and picked up the foods?

It has happened that several times already. Customers ordered online, came & picked up the foods. But later on they claimed they did not and filed a dispute with their bank. 

We work hard to prepare foods, package them, etc. However if this keeps happening, it's so

unfair for us.


Does Square provide a way to capture customers signature or a way to prevent this?

Perhaps provide a unique QR code, when customers come, pickup, scan this,

thus, provide a better proof than nothing.


Please share your ideas.

Message 1 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for posting, @veganrus 👋


I have not heard of this happening. Do you provide a receipt to the customers when they pick up their food? Does the bank ask for this information when they investigate the dispute? 


I'm curious to know if any other sellers have run into this issue as well, so hopefully others join in on the discussion! 

Message 2 of 4

The receipt is stapled outside of the brown bag when they come and pickup. 

In some cases, when Square notifies us of the dispute. Square also has an online receipt.

We provided that to Square but lost the case. The money was subtracted from our account.


When Amazon, Fedex, UPS deliver a package, sometime, they ask for signature or they

take a picture of the package for proof of delivery.


Here, there is no proof of pickup. Unless we do that ourself. By having a recording camera.

But somehow we need to correlate the order number with the pickup date and time, which

is not a small task.


Message 3 of 4

I am interested in the response as well. We hand our items personally to clients so we are 100% they received their items But the dishonest ones like to just lie and say they didn't 

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