
USB Cash Drawer opens after slight delay

The title of this thread has been edited by a Square Moderator from the original: "USB Cash Drawer opens with a 4-5 second delay all of a sudden??"


As of yesterday, for some reason, there is a delay opening the drawer by 4-5 seconds after cash transactions. There must have been a new update that pushed this new behavior through (there's also a new alert that says "transaction recorded.").


4-5 seconds doesn't sound like a lot, but this is majorly slowing us down. We crush through cash orders in a rush. Can we please go back to the old behavior where you hit the cash button and BAM the drawer opens right up?


Hitting "open drawer" still happens immediately. It's only when you input a cash transaction that there's a 4-5 second delay.

Message 1 of 258
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: USB Cash Drawer opens after slight delay



I finally do have an update for you guys. Our team is issuing a fix, 6.31 and that should be available on 12/15/23. If for some reason anything changes with the release date we will make sure to let you guys know. I know this is not ideal with the holiday season coming up and apologize for the huge inconvenience.  I cannot thank you guys enough for your tenacity and continued patience while we address this. 🙏

1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

I have spoken with the engineers and they plan to release 6.31 to address the issue on 11/30/2023. Thank you for all your patience! 

View Best Answer >

Message 121 of 258
257 REPLIES 257

I have had this same problem for a few weeks now. I have 2 square stands running ipad air 2. the original one. 1 stand doesnt have this issue and is running 6.2. The other with the issue is running 6.4.1


for cash amounts when you have put through the transaction and select a domination e.g. £20 it will pop up with the change amount and about 5 seconds after the cash drawer will open.


After getting fed up today i made sure my iPad was up to date and removed and re installed square. Now my issue has changed again. The cash drawer doesnt open after you select your amount of change. The only way it opens for me is when i press new sale and out comes the cash drawer? Whet the hell is going on.


Is there a way i can downgrade the app back to 6.2 so i dont have this issue and you provide an update fix?

Message 190 of 258

i'm mid-troubleshooting with a knowledgeable agent. the troubleshooting steps we've addressed thus far include making sure all ipads are up to date, and that you're running the current version of square (currently 6.41.2 i think) across all devices. i'm concerned i'll be booted from support when i get back to him tomorrow because i'm running one 5th gen ipad that can't be updated to iOS 17, and he said we need to be running 17 on all devices before we can continue. his rationale was that you need iOS 17 because all the ipads have to sync in real-time to close transactions and open the cash drawer, which i'm thinking isn't the way it used to be done (or at least, the call to open the cash drawer would occur before the sync attempt instead of afterward like it does now). once i get back to the agent to continue the process, i'll report the results here...

Message 191 of 258

Found something interesting when my internet went out and I had to turn off my iPad wifi to use offline mode. The old behavior where drawer opens up immediately is back! Upon turning on wifi again, I have the processing delay again before drawer opens. Tried to explain to support but all they want me to try is connecting to a different network. Can someone using a square register (not iPad) go into offline mode and try?

Message 192 of 258

They seem to have added some sort of "validation" for cash.  Where it takes to time to somehow "approve" a cash sale.  I have no idea what the heck they are approving.  But there is a delay, then it says "approved" and tells you to collect the cash.  Then the drawer opens.  This can take 8 to 10 seconds.  Sometimes more.  It is ridiculous.  It's CASH.  What are they approving?  Just open the drawer when we press CASH!!!  Anyways.... in offline mode, the system is unable to send anything for "approval" so it make sense that the drawer would open more quickly.  I worked in IT for 25+ years before starting my own small business.  Square programmers seem to have no idea or care for how their product is used in a busy retail workflow.

Message 193 of 258

Imagine having this issue last Nov & Dec during our BUSIEST time of the year!! Square said it was a problem on our end! It finally resolved itself the week of Christmas. But now the “approval” part is back. Frustrating!

Message 194 of 258

Yup still no update release or anything back from square. Very poor. I wish they would release or make available the older square app. v6.2. That had no issues. When i scanned things they appeared instantly on the screen and had no cash draw issue. The only reason i still have this on one of my iPads is i havnt upgraded to newest ios as apple keep saying there is a problem with your device. Turns out im glad i didn't upgrade so i can still use this version of square. 


My up to date ipad with newest version of square still takes ages for cash draw to open after having to approve my cash collection and items take an additional second to appear on screen/ i dont get it. why make it worse. The developers need tagged into this conversation.

Message 195 of 258

If possible, try and do a test transaction and record it. Then upload to youtube and post the link in this chat....that way when someone from Square looks over this thread they can watch the videos... I've done that previously. 

Message 196 of 258

Message 197 of 258

Wow that is slow! Especially for cash transactions 


hopefully the are able to set out a update soon! 

Message 198 of 258

It's pretty miserable on a busy night. We have to keep the cash drawer open all the time in order to function.


I'm waiting on a call back from a support rep to continue troubleshooting, but I'm starting to think this is a losing battle. If we weren't so deeply invested in the square ecosystem, I'd be looking at other options by now. That may end up being the case anyways...

Message 199 of 258

Message 200 of 258

I finally managed to get through the rest of the troubleshooting process with a support agent. The story now, is that the dev team is aware of the problem affecting multiple users, and they're actively working on a solution. Not sure just yet if it will be addressed server-side, or if it will require an update pushed thru the app store (or however they update their proprietary hardware).


So I guess we just have to wait and suffer for a little while longer...

Message 201 of 258

My cash drawer has been acting slow for a month now. Is there a solution out yet?

Message 202 of 258

has anyone notice that Square support has no answers for this issue? 

why is it left up to the community to fix this ? 

time to change company !!!


Message 203 of 258

The delay is killing me waiting 4-5 seconds for a receipt. Customers are walking out because it takes to long to check out and they don't want to wait in a long line. FIX IT!


Message 204 of 258

CC transactions are, yet again, taking far too long again. I'm on 6.42. Thus far, I'm not experiencing the cash slowdowns. I did last summer and left Square over it, but unfortunately Shopify was even worse. I was so excited when things were working super fast with the Square Register again, and even received customer compliments, and now it's back to taking twice as long to approve a CC. Wonderful! At least I had 2 months of fast processing I guess.

Message 205 of 258

I also noticed that they slowed down the CC approvals recently. They used to take 1-3 seconds. Now more like 6-10 seconds.  It really is frustrating during the busy times. Those seconds make a big difference when you have a line waiting. 

Message 206 of 258

Yeah this started happening on Thursday of last week. It's not on every card, but I can't find the common denominator. For us, these transactions that take 6 - 10 seconds also won't print a receipt after it goes through you have to manually print. SQUARE, PLS LOOK INTO AND FIX THIS BUG.

Message 207 of 258

Yes, ours is happening with card too, internet is stable, we are on latest version and OS. We are a beer & wine store, so it does cause delays during checking out...


this is our video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VLnpR6eXWeU

Message 208 of 258

This is the exact same thing that's happening to my card transactions, once again, and all of a sudden. Easily twice as long as before, but luckily cash sales are still pretty quick. It would be nice if Square took this more seriously. It's clearly impacting their users negatively, and in some cases has for a long time, and Square is still basically blowing this off.

Message 209 of 258

Just adding that I am also experiencing the delay in credit card transactions. Started happening end of last week. I’ve experienced this before but it would usually go back to normal within 24 hours but this seems different.  

Message 210 of 258