
Item Detail Reports with Modifiers

Hi, we are using Square for our PTA group to support events we put on such as Monthly Hot Dog Day and Pancake Breakfast.


For Hot Dog Day, each student will order how many hot dogs they want for the month, drink choice, classroom selection and enter their first and last name. Is there a report that exists or that I can create that will give me this detail? I want to to try and do a couple of test online orders but not sure I am able to do that either. 



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Hi Friends_of_SMS,


Assuming your items are setup and you're able to get all the info you described in your post - you should be able to create a report however, it may take a few extra steps.  Square does provide quite a few different canned reports but, you may have export some of the data from one canned or even two canned reports.  We often export report data to a CSV file and then use Excel to compile everything that we want to see.  For example, you can get quite a bit of info from the Transaction Report but, that might not have all the info you need because those details could come from another canned Report, so you would need to export that Report too. Then use Excel to manipulate the data.


As for doing some test orders - that's doable but, you need to use an active credit card as you're making a live transaction.  After you have completed the transaction, you can do a refund.  Unfortunately that's the only way to actually run a test.  If you're a Developer, Square has a feature (called the Sandbox) for testing code like APIs and SDKs however, that's an area beyond the scope of this Community.

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Beta Member

Best Answer

Hi Friends_of_SMS,


Assuming your items are setup and you're able to get all the info you described in your post - you should be able to create a report however, it may take a few extra steps.  Square does provide quite a few different canned reports but, you may have export some of the data from one canned or even two canned reports.  We often export report data to a CSV file and then use Excel to compile everything that we want to see.  For example, you can get quite a bit of info from the Transaction Report but, that might not have all the info you need because those details could come from another canned Report, so you would need to export that Report too. Then use Excel to manipulate the data.


As for doing some test orders - that's doable but, you need to use an active credit card as you're making a live transaction.  After you have completed the transaction, you can do a refund.  Unfortunately that's the only way to actually run a test.  If you're a Developer, Square has a feature (called the Sandbox) for testing code like APIs and SDKs however, that's an area beyond the scope of this Community.

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