
Re: Round-up option for non-profit donation

Re: Round-up option for non-profit donation

Square, please add this right away.  I have been asking you all for this for literally years (as a nonprofit ourselves, we would like to give patrons an option to round up to donate to us), but businesses also need the option to help local charities.  When change is in short supply as it is now, this is even more important than ever.  It's undoubtedly a simple option to add, and most of your competitors have it.


Thank you!

151 Replies
Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open

Please provide this feature as a priority! Huge customer demand exists, it's been promised, similar functionality already exists, do good by providing this feature. Jewels for Hope/Children's Diabetes Foundation

As a for-profit business that is very invested in our community (isn't everyone who uses Square??), I think this would be an amazing feature.  But it can only work if it's easy to use like a quick, round-up button.  If my staff have to manually calculate it, it's never going to happen.  We are just too busy.  Other platforms have this, I'd think Square would want to add this competitive advantage.

Square Community Moderator

Hello, @tinafoundation.


Thank you for sharing your perspective and the importance of community involvement for your for-profit business. We appreciate your suggestion for a quick and user-friendly round-up feature. Your feedback is valuable as we continually strive to enhance our platform. Streamlining the process and making it easy for busy staff is certainly a key consideration, and we'll take your input into account as we explore potential improvements.


If you have any more ideas or insights, please feel free to share them. 


Thank you for being part of the Square community and for being so patient as we understand that there are multiple request for this feature. 


Have a grate day! 

Just wanted to add another non-profit to the list of those who are graciously asking Square to implement this feature. Crazy to see that it's been on their radar for 5+ years and nothing has been done. We are a non-profit with a coffee shop and are manually rounding up on many of our transactions in support of other non-profit partner organizations. Square, to continue dragging your feet on this issue is evidently a great disservice to numerous charitable organizations. Please implement this feature or, at very least, explain why you won't. 

Thank you!


Its crazy how before I can even ask my customer if they would like me to manually round up to support the nonprofit we support in our shop....I get ASKED by my customers if they can round up for the nonprofit!! THE CUSTOMERS SEE THE NEED...WHY DON'T YOU?!


I see 2 groups Customers and small buisness owners (3 if you add the nonprofit!)


You Square

Your outnumbered.

Many of us are very frustrated.

Start working on this.

Can't believe Square doesn't have the round up option yet. At least allow us to change the word "Tip" to "Donation" on the checkout screen!

This would be a game changer for our non-profit organization.  I think it is time to look for a new POS that can accommodate this requirement.  I have been waiting too long.

I just purchased two Square Registers because I love their usability, but not having this function is making me rethink my decision. There has got to be a simple way to solve this. We shouldn't have to do workarounds for such a simple request.

As a non profit we REALLY want this feature to help us raise more money for our cause. Please make a round up feature available or at least allow us to change the word TIP  to Make a Donation