
Re: Round-up option for non-profit donation

Re: Round-up option for non-profit donation

Square, please add this right away.  I have been asking you all for this for literally years (as a nonprofit ourselves, we would like to give patrons an option to round up to donate to us), but businesses also need the option to help local charities.  When change is in short supply as it is now, this is even more important than ever.  It's undoubtedly a simple option to add, and most of your competitors have it.


Thank you!

155 Replies

We are a non profit and would like to include an option where customers can "round up" to the nearest dollar with profit going back to the agency as a donation (not taxed). Is anyone doing this? And if so, how are you setting it up? 

Square Champion

There isn't a functionality like this built in.  You could simply create an item called Round Up For Charity with variable pricing that is not taxed.  Add that item to the transaction if the customer wants to and fill in the cents that it would take to make it even. 


for example $48.73 total

add Round Up For Charity item, it will pop up asking for a price, enter 27¢.


You will easily be able to see how much has been collected by looking at item sales.

This is great! And you can do this as non tax item? 

Square Champion

You can toggle tax on and off on any item when setting up or modifying an item. 

Can you give a little more background and explain how this is done?  Is this done automatically through the variable? Or does the person on the register need to figure out that it's 27 cents?  

Square Champion

it would not be automatic.  yes, the cashier would have to do the math as it is not a part of the Square POS.  it is just adding an item like adding all the other items the cashier has added, except this is a variably priced item that they enter the price to make it rounded up.

Nevermind, I see that the automation is still not available. Thank you

I was wondering if it is possible to add a "Round Up" button to my Square. I want to ask customers if they would like to "round up" their total to the nearest dollar. (example: $10.49 - add $0.11 - total $11.00). If this is possible or if you know anything involving this please respond!

The only thing I can think of is to add a "Round Up" item to your inventory, make it non-taxable and leave the price blank so you can manually enter the necessary amount.  I'm pretty sure there is no button that will automatically round up in Square right now.

Square Champion

You nailed it @GlassJudy, that is the best way to handle this option currently.