
Sales Taxes are not being applied during online checkout

I know it was asked a few years ago but it was never given an actual solution. I have two problems going on. My online store is NOT charging taxes. I already filled out everything correctly. I am SURE of that. I dont need to uncheck any boxes either. It simply is not working for my online store. My second issue is that I noticed at my last vending event that it was charging people TWICE for taxes... Vedors tax AND Sales tax. And it will not let me get rid of one, I have to just turn the whole thing off and not charge taxes at all. Why hasn't this issue been resolved? Ive noticed this has been a problem for many people for a few years. So how can I fix this???

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Hi Kris22,


Probably your best option is to start with Customer Support as they can look at your account setup - unfortunately that's not something that can be done via the Community.  Perhaps some members here have some thoughts on what to recheck - charging twice for tax if not right for sure.

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