
Online Store Sold Out Inventory but still in Stock

I have an Online Boutique and also sell in a brick and mortar location. I noticed items that have more than one variation, colors in my case, are showing as SOLD OUT on my online store. These items are in stock in my store and when I go into the online store side to try to fix these items under OPTIONS & PRICING all of the information is gone! I can’t update them! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Message 1 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hi @MicheleP,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I'd be happy to help get to the bottom of this with you.

You can now manage your Square Online site items directly from your Item Library in the Square Dashboard, instead of using the Square Online Dashboard separately. Any changes made here or through your app will automatically apply to your site items.

To clarify, are you saying that when an item with multiple variations is sold out in one variation, it displays the "Sold Out" banner online even if other variations are still in stock?

Would you be able to share a link to your site, and an example of one of these items, so that I can take a closer look?

Thank you!

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 2 of 3

It has been resolved. I messaged square support.  My square store site and online site were not syncing, so they had to re-sync these items. 

Message 3 of 3