
Need help! My items show $0.00 for shipping even after I assigned a shipping profile to each item



I have been struggling for weeks trying to resolve this problem, including trying to work through it over chat with a square representative to no avail.  When I first set up my website in 2022, I was basically including the cost to ship the item in my pricing, and listed as free shipping.  With shipping prices going through the roof, I decided to now to separate my item cost and the cost of shipping, as I am an artist and a lot of times locals purchase my art and I deliver.


I have created custom shipping profiles that have flat rate shipping and I have added the items I want under each profile, which I thought would fix the problem.  I have scoured every inch of my preferences, account, individual items, etc. trying to find out why my original free shipping choice is overriding my shipping profiles.  


Is there anyone who can help me?  I am so frustrated at this point that I just want to give up on Square and find another online website service.

Message 1 of 3

Since we cannot look at what your settings are (only Customer or Tech Support can do that), suggest trying the following:


Login to your Square Account

Select Online

Select Fulfillment

Select Shipping

Under the Shipping Profiles

Check Settings (Edit)


Since you said you have a profile setup, you should see an amount for that profile - probably $0.00


Let us know what you find - with that info hopefully some of the other volunteer members here can provide more assistance.  Many people here have a lot of experience with Square's Apps and Hardware. 



Message 2 of 3

Hi @jluck628!

If you’re still having trouble after following the advice from @JK_Fiber_Art, would you mind sharing a link to your site so that I can take a closer look? 

If you could also share a screenshot of your current shipping profiles, and provide me with an example of an item that displays as $0.00 for shipping at checkout, after an address has been entered. Keep in mind that estimated shipping costs will display as zero, up until the point that an address is entered on the checkout screen.

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