
Limited Capability of Preorder functionality

I was super excited to see the addition of preorders. I have a bakery that sells holiday specific items all the time. So pre-ordering is exactly what we're looking for. The only problem is when purchasing a preorder item it defaults to the earliest time slot if you don't select something else. I'm hoping for a way to make it mandatory to select when the preorder is for. I foresee a huge amount of people not paying attention and ordering for a day they don't actually want.

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Square Champion

Hi @boxerdonut.  First, I have to say that I had some fun researching this post.  It had been a while since I had looked at all the different ways we can configure pickup orders, their timing, and so forth.   Anyway, I kicked a few tires, changed a few settings and unfortunately don’t have an immediate answer to help you.  I learned a few new things that were there, none of which help you at all.  Here’s what I found.


No matter what configuration of pickup and prep options I used, the scheduling window the customer sees STILL shows a default earliest pickup day, and a default earliest pickup time.  So, yes, the customer would have to be responsible to notice this and change it accordingly.  As a person who only likes defaults THAT I DEFINE, that one bothers me a little, but it is what it is.  I’m not one who believes that software should be in the business of determining what I need or want as a default presented to my customers.  Again, it is what it is.  Having said that….!


For now, if you want to accept pre-orders, you are going to have to train your staff to review them as they come in and contact customers who might have chosen wrong, so that you can correct their orders.  I might have missed something, but I don’t think so.


Also, as I seem to do a lot lately, I’m going to suggest that your submit a feature request by going here.  Select the Square Online board, and suggest to the engineers that they DO NOT default to a certain day or time.  Alternatively, suggest that they at least give us the option of whether or not we want a default.


Let me know if you decide to submit this feature request.  I’ll find it on the board and upvote it along with any other suggestions I have.  Square has really expanded the capabilities in this area, and it is SOOOOO CLOSE!  But it definitely needs a little more tweaking.


Let me know if you need anything else.




If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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