
How to I add no charge items?

On my online store (still in process of creating) I have different levels of donation.

With each level of donation, a person gets items.

Starts off with a logo hat, then higher level gets a hat and shirt, next level gets hat, shirt and outerwear, Final level gets everything plus a jacket.

I need to have a variation on each level to collect the size of the shirt, outerwear and jacket.

The options I create are looking for a price.  There is no price on the items.


I'm still learning the online part.


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Beta Member

Hi ReedsportFF,


By design, it's not possible to list an item without a price.  Most online sites are like that.  It would be possible to use a custom script to make that happen but, you would need to either write the code yourself or hire a Developer - either way that is beyond the scope of this Community.  Note, there is a Developer Forum.   One possible work around for your items would be to create a coupon code that would give a 100% discount.  Sorry, I have not had the time to tinkered with that idea but, I'm hoping that someone else here has - there's a lot of creative people here.


On a side note about Donations, if you're not a non-profit or registered charity the money you receive is income.   It's not a charitable donation or an investment and there are taxes to consider - you may want to ensure you're familiar with your State's Regulations.  There also the transaction processing fees to consider - the processing fee is 2.9% plus $0.30 which is the same as selling an item online.  Square does not do your taxes but, they do provide 1099 information.  In the US, the state where your taxpayer information is associated will determine your qualification for a Form 1099-K.  The thresholds for Form 1099-K qualification can vary from state to state.  Make sure to double check your state’s thresholds.

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