
How do I set up Facebook Pixel on my Square Online website?

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How to set up our Facebook Pixel properly so that it tracks all conversions on our site


How do you set up the facebook pixel properly so that it tracks all conversions on our site? Right now we have our facebook pixel added to the proper section on the Square settings - but we can see that it's not working on the Facebook backend. Is there a way to manually add the code into our site?

Message 1 of 90
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Facebook pixel

I found an answer that seems to have worked for me, though I'm using a Square/Weebly site. I called support.


Once you log in to weebly, on the side bar you go to website/integrations/facebook pixel. Then you only input the pixel I.D. number. Not the entire header code.


Hope that helps.

1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hi @Ogdensown 👋


It's possible to embed the code required by Facebook for this integration into your Square Online website - simply follow these steps. For additional information about the Facebook Pixel and how it works, you'll want to take a peek at Facebook's help page

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 20 of 90

@GoingFlat - "Setting up the initial pixel is a bitch, but once it's done, things seem to work ok" ....that's the problem the majority are having though, getting the initial pixel setup. It's displaying missing microdata and "Not Ready" for everyone.


Can you or someone elaborate on which process/method they used to get the pixel working properly. i.e. Do we create a catalog, create an ad account and then go over to weebly/square and connect Facebook? OR???? Nothing seems to work and there is ZERO complete documentation. While it's great people are mysteriously getting it to sync, many small businesses are completely in the dark after spending weeks and weeks on it.

I apologize, my frustration towards this is starting to show.

Message 64 of 90

Didn't work... going on week 2. Facebook support told me it needs to fire for 7 days? Still didn't work. Sorry I am a small business owner I don't have 7 days to wait. If I make a product for lets say Valentine's Day I need to PUSH it NOW. 

Message 65 of 90



I sell boutique items and the items created on my website have everything... pictures, prices, descriptions, turn around time, everything that CAN be filled out is. I even had a friend who is IT for a very large corporation in Columbus look into it. He can SEE the pixel on all my items, BUT the microdata is MISSING. Facebook cannot add microdata to my items on Square, Square has to have the integration technology built into the pixel. Its missing so...... Last month on my prepaid monthly plan so I am converting to a more user friendly company. I will steer all the other folks who ask about websites NOT to use square b/c of this. Ridiculous. Shame i even spent money on this. 

Message 66 of 90

As long as you created the pixel and have it hooked to your facebook page...you need to go into facebook and delete your current catalog (your going to have to dig around to find the catalog to delete. (I did it weeks ago and can't remember exactly where it is). Once you have deleted your existing catalog, make a new shop, and select the option for "checkout on another website". During that process, the pixel will be there and you can select it. It takes a little while for all the info and items to populate, but it should work.

If you look further back in this thread (Page 4) SGM1 had a very detailed description of how they got their pixel to work. You can always refer to that. Good luck.

Message 67 of 90

I am in the exact same position - UGH

Message 68 of 90

I have wasted so much money and time with this and my next step will be to BBB. It took WEEKS to build my website only to have my grand opening of my shop on Facebook DELAYED until I can get this fixed. That is TONS of lost revenue from sales that could have been generated. I REFUSE to have spent $300 on a performance website from a company and then not be able to use CRUCIAL integration features. Days and days of jumping back and forth, deleting this and that, reconnecting and configuring... it’s ridiculous. If I had known this was an issue, I NEVER would have signed up and wasted valuable time. I just started my business and for me, changing companies is a delay I can not afford but is looking like my only option. 

Message 69 of 90

When we create a Facebook shop page, we have to create it under our facebook name and act as an administrator. 

So when I link Square to facebook, it is using my personal pixel and my items are being linked to my personal facebook.  How do I change the pixel in facebook so my items go directly to the business part of facebook?   Facebook is telling me to add my business pixel to square, but square only gives me the option of my personal.  Where am I going wrong here?

Message 70 of 90
Square Community Moderator

Hey @jgrgetich,


I moved your post to a thread where this question has been answered already.

Check out the Best Answer above for details. 


In the future, don't hesitate to search your question first here or on the Support Center for your quickest answer too!


Also keep in mind that Facebook pixels are done through Facebook and not Square so any further questions aside from what's listed in the links provided in the Best Answer above may require reaching out to Facebook.

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 71 of 90

@ashc Why do Square think this question has been answered???


It is clear that your integration still messes up the creation of a Pixel on Facebook and once this is in the wrong place it takes a lot of time and understanding to resolve it.


Once it works the link has been reliable but it is disapointing that other users are still facing the same problem!

Message 72 of 90
Square Community Moderator

Hey @SGM1,


As I mentioned above, Facebook Pixels are handled by Facebook and not Square.


Any issues you're experiencing past what we can recommend on how to create one is on Facebook's end so will need to be directed to Facebook and not Square since we don't own their Business Manager. 

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 73 of 90

Hi @ashc 

This is where there is clearly a lack of understanding from square!


When setting up your web shop square has a process that creates a facebook pixel and requests various marketing related accesses!


It is this process that can create the pixel linked to the personal facebook ID of the user and not there page.


Once created it is impossible to undo this on either end.


Facebook do not allow personal pixels to be transfered to business manager and business pages!


Your integrations page to add a pixel ID will not work as it does not pick up/create the appropriate data tags as detailed above by a number of users.


I spent weeks sorting this out and in the end lucked into telephone conversations with a Facebook employee in Canada (I'm in the UK) and between us we found a work arround to get things to function. He was suprised that Square did not work more closely with Facebook to sort the integration as a number of your competitors clearly do.


Your system will still not pass sale prices to Facebook.


It is about time that Square stopped blaming Facebook and worked with them to ensure that pixels are created in the correct place the first time by your system.


This integration is key for many online sellers


Message 74 of 90

@ashc I don't think you completely have a case here. @SGM1 is 100% spot on. It's at fault of both Square and Facebook! After weeks and weeks of trying to resolve this I literally just gave up and unfortunately my business just has to take a hit from not being able to tag products on IG from Square/Facebook. I don't know why you're saying the user is wrong, look at not only this thread but the half a dozen others also reporting issues with the pixels.


Instead of pointing figures, it'd be nice if Square owned that there is something broken in the process period and try to resolve it, even if it's "Facebook's fault." In the end it would benefit you both. 

I've been with Square from the VERY beginning, prior to their IPO and all...love the service, but this issue is a serious problem and one that I am quite frustrated with myself.

Message 75 of 90

Thank you... Because of your spot on reply and me emailing support back and forth they created what should have been integrated in the first place.  We now have the option of selecting our business page now for pixels.  Took 2 weeks but I am sure between you and I they noticed it was a huge problem.

Facebook and square issue has been resolved and just wanted to give you a shout out..  Pretty sure we made this happen for Square to get with the problem.  Facebook kept telling me it was squares problem and Square kept telling me it was Facebooks problem.  Problem was with Square not giving us the option to choose a pixel location so that Facebook could link.  So glad it was resolved.  Thanks again!

Message 76 of 90



Any response or comment?


Why do square seem to think that ignoring an issue will make it go away?


It is clear that many users are willing to work with you to improve the system but nothing seems to return from Square???


Come on we should be able to make your system first rate!

Message 77 of 90

they fixed it....  🙂

Message 78 of 90

Have you had any success? I have been dealing with this for weeks and Square will not step up and fix this issue.

Message 79 of 90

It has finally been fixed! 🙌 So frustrating for the last month! Hope they can work out a way to be a "partner" on FB's platform so this doesn't happen again. None of my friends using Shopify have had this issue. 

Message 80 of 90

I continue to have problems with this about every two months. I’m over it. Square blames Facebook. Facebook blames Square. The integration has never worked properly and never will. Time to switch to Shopify. This is a joke. 

Message 81 of 90

I'm pretty irritated as well. Facebook alerts me that random items are marked unable to tag on FB and IG. Square needs to work on integrating better. These issues are super frustrating and no one will own up to it.

Message 82 of 90

I moved everything to Shopify. It was my only solution in the end. 


I actually spoke to someone at Facebook (a miracle!), and on the FB end everything appeared connected, even thought on the Square side it wouldn’t connect. Square needs to get this sorted out. 

Message 83 of 90

I see that this thread is a few months old, but we are having the exact same issue as described here. I (like so many here) have been back and forth with weekly and facebook, and have an active pixel, it just isn't updating or allowing us to tag newer items. NO ONE has an answer, so I am curious if anyone here got to the bottom of it.


Message 84 of 90