
Feature Request: Ability to embed Square Online site in different website iframe

Feature Request: Ability to embed Square Online site in different website iframe

I have noticed that certain browsers (Chrome/Win10) may not allow successfully to populate the shopping cart, where the online shop product page is embedded in another website.


This seems to be either an oversight or coding bug.

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Feature Request: Ability to embed Square Online site in different website iframe

Hi @AVsupport@Michaelk81, and @Swancon,

I've revisited this thread with our Square Online team, and typically, this matter falls outside the scope of our support since it involves utilizing part of the Square Online site on a third-party platform.

If the embedded code is still not functioning as expected, it could be due to insufficient space on the site for Square's widget rendering. In such cases, we recommend embedding the script directly into the site rather than using an iframe.

Moving forward, if you're part of this thread and need further assistance, please reach out to our Support Team directly. They can connect you with a Square Online specialist who will gather details about your specific case and liaise with our Square Online team accordingly.

Verified Answer

Re: Difficulty embedding online store in different website iframe > may corrupt shopping cart

Hi there, @Fitness4Life,

Thanks for taking the time to check in with us here.

We haven't received any further updates regarding this request. I've gone ahead and moved this thread to our Square Online Feature Requests board so we can closely monitor the feedback we receive around this with our Product Team.

Outside of the option to add a selection of tools to your Square Online site using embeddable code, we aren't able to offer any workarounds in the meantime. However, it would be worthwhile reaching out to our Support Team and connecting with a Square Online specialist who can run you through some potential options here.

You can call support on 1800 760 137 (Mon - Fri, 9 am - 5 pm Melbourne time), or contact us via online chat or email. See the below steps.


1. Sign in to your Square account

2. Head to our contact page https://squ.re/3AWfZs2

3. Go to "Other", then "I don't see my issue"

4. Click "Message us", "Email us" or "Call Us"


Or, if you see the new chatbot help flow, type “support” to bring up a list of contact methods.

Feel free to let me know if you run into any issues reaching out to our team.

Should we receive any updates here moving forward, we'll be sure to tag and comment in this thread. 👍


Hey @AVsupport,


Thanks for getting in touch and reporting this.


I'm not sure if we'll have a way of fixing this, however if you're able to provide:


  • Screenshots
  • Browser and version
  • The website is it embedded in

I can certainly ask the question and we can better track any issues.

Chrome is 

Google Chrome is up to date
Version 87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (64-bit)
OS is up to date
OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Version 10.0.19041 Build 19041

First Example:

Virtual Tour https://avsupport.com.au/virtualtours/OwensCollective_NinaBattley/index.htm embedding square site products https://miiostore.square.site/ when you walk to your right, the big 3 paintings on the wall, click on the info box below.


Second Example:

Virtual Tour https://theowenscollective.com.au/virtualtours/OwensCollective_BridieWatt_Duplicate/index.htm embedding square site https://theowenscollective.square.site/ when you walk to the right and click on an image on the wall.


Here's a video:



When the square site is embedded in an iframe, in certain OS/Browser combinations, like Win10/64 and Chrome, the shopping cart doesn’t populate.

I believe this is a coding error from weebly, and may have to do with iframe policies.

All hosts are SSL, so there’s no reason not to have a cart from one host being embedded in a website from another host (the tour would create an error if there was an issue with the SSL certificate).


I do understand that certain websites (instagram, facebook) have programming that will not allow embedding in an iframe. But in this case, the results are random, as it works with certain OS/browser combinations, and not with others.

So this is not deliberate, it's just not been identified and corrected.


Surely it must be in Square's interest to make it as easy as possible for purchasers to complete a transaction, including this variation


Hey @AVsupport,


Thanks for providing examples, I get what you mean!


Again while I'm not sure if this is something we're able to fix or not, the next step would be to file a support ticket to make the request (include the info you've included in this post). I imagine Square support will need to pass this one on to Weebly for further investigation.

Hi Seamus! 

I had already submitted a support ticket, and 2 months and 20 emails later this issue is still frustratingly dismissed and unresolved;

I was hoping to have a better or different avenue through this forum, perhaps with the help from other community members that have similar issues and would have some idea as to perhaps why this is not working exactly, and what needed to be done to fix this.



@AVsupport Got you it does looks like there's no support for embedding iframes at the moment. Happy to have this feature request documented and tracked here though, and hopefully we might hear from users who may have workarounds.





Hi @Seamus has there been an update on this matter? It's been almost a year..

When will we see an option to embed a square product page inside another https secure site that can successfully populate the shopping cart?

Other Virtual Tour creators meanwhile have been working with solutions using Shopify, but I'm not interested in a subscription based model.


@AVsupport at the moment unfortunately I don't have any updates or news on whether this feature will be coming in the future.


Support for embedding Square Online websites into other websites isn't something we see a lot of demand for so I'm not sure this will be a highly prioritised feature moving forward, though we'll continue tracking demand from our Australian community within this thread!

Hi Seamus and @AVsupport just supporting that this is an issue for us as well. 

We would like to embed both the shop functionality and the gift card functionality onto our website (delriros.com.au), the current platform is far too limiting. 


Thanks for adding your feedback @salesdR, we'll continue tracking this feature request and I'll post an update if I'm able to share any new in the future.

would definitely be of benefit to us too...