
How can Square help Small businesses during the Carona Virus Threat?

Small businesses are being severely impacted during this time of the Carona Virus threat. People are staying home and not out in the world shopping as usual supporting small businesses. What is Square and Square Capital doing to support small businesses during this time of financial hardship?

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You are speaking the truth!  It has impacted my business more than I would like to admit but we dont plan on closing the doors just yet.  If it gets bad enough we will go to just the online business and see how well that goes.,

I would LOVE to know what square is planning and how they will help small businesses like the ones we work so hard to keep up.  I am sure they are worried about how the loans will be repaid, on the other hand I hope they understand that many of us have given up so much to start our own businesses and refuse to hand the keys over just yet

Please keep us updated if there is anything being shared or said on Squares part in this,

Thank you kindly!

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