
Why has website management been made so difficult to access?

I started using Weebly in 2014 or 2015. I still maintain that site for my doll club event. I've since started 3 Square sites; 2 for my own businesses and 1 for a friend. The first was in November of 2019. The builder was clunky and the options were limited, but I made it work. The next was in early 2020 and the experience was much the same. When I talked to customer service then I happened to get someone that was also on the development team. They were swamped with requests for features that people needed to keep businesses running during the pandemic but explained to me that they were working on improving the website builder functionality and eventually Weebly sites would need to be transferred over to Square. I understood but was thankful it wasn't going to happen yet.


Fast forward to yesterday and I get a pop-up that says I have a month to link my existing Weebly account to Square or it will be disabled. I kinda panicked because 2.5 years ago I was assured that the functionality of the builder would be improved to catch up to the Weebly functionality before this happened. Today a lengthy chat with customer service assured me that I wasn't losing the Weebly functionality - yet. That Square just hoped that the old Weebly lovers would try their shiny new product and never look back. I was glad I still had time for the issues to get corrected. Whew!


So I log into one of my business sites that I haven't logged into in a while and because we're still in the start up phase there's no products there yet, just information for our customers. The new "dashboard" was nothing but sales information, balances, analytics, etc. I thought, "Well, it's Square now and their thing is e-commerce and payments. Whatever. I'll just go to the site. There's a link..." Nowhere. There was no link to get to the website management dashboard. I clicked various things but it seemed to take me in a circle. How could there be no link to update my website? 

So I jumped back to chat and asked. They were confused. I sent a screenshot. Still confused. Then I was told it was 6pm and someone would contact me tomorrow when they got to me. But it's Friday so I guess not until Monday. This was very frustrating and I still couldn't get to the website management dashboard. 


So I tried to search the Community Forum. No luck. Google was no better. 

I felt like I had clicked everything but had I clicked EVERYthing? So I started clicking every single link on the page. I finally start clicking in a section with the header "Recommended Products" thinking how very stupid this was. I don't need another product. I need to access the one I already have thankyouverymuch... When I click on a link that says "Square Online" IT GOES TO THE WEBSITE MANAGEMENT DASHBOARD THAT I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR GOING ON 2.5 HOURS!


Why would this *very* important page link be buried in "Recommended Products"?!

If I'm logged in to the account where I built my website shouldn't Square know I have a website?!

Why is it labeled "Square Online"? I am online. I am on the Square website. So how would I know that "Square Online" was code for "do maintenance to my website Dashboard"?


I completely understand that Square is a mobile payment company and that offering an e-commerce platform was a natural next step. It makes sense to buy a company that already has that platform built out and integrate. But I don't understand making that platform so very difficult for your customers to use. Getting your functionality up to speed is one thing but seeming to deprioritize customers to whom web building is of equal importance to e-commerce does not make sense to me. I would like to stay with Square because I know that when I am ready to send my product to market taking payments both online and in-person will be simplified and more cost effective. But how can I even get there with Square if not just the website issues aren't addressed but it's more difficult to access my site every time I log in?

Message 1 of 4

HI, yes, it is very frustrating.  I believe Square knew all along they would be doing away with the Weebly grandfathered sites.  They knew many would not receive it graciously.  Guess now we know.  


Yes, Square is very different in how the Square Dashboard and the Online Dashboard are separate.  


You can reach your Online Dashboard from the Square Dashboard, on the left side select Ecommerce, a popup to select Online.


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The website Editor on the Online Dashboard is under Website, Edit Site.


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Hope this helps.
Message 2 of 4

Thanks, Terri. I definitely wouldn't have found it there. In the "Online" dashboard, that's what I'm used to seeing as the dashboard so the editor is easy to find there.


It's really such a shame they didn't choose to keep more of the Weebly functionality. The templates were so much better too, less cookie cutter than the Square themes. I think that's the thing I'll miss most. I don't see it as a positive when you don't even need a watermark or footer ad to be able to tell what platform a site is made on.

Message 3 of 4

HI, yes, many Weebly sellers did not like Square having several options and features discontinued.  No designer templates are available.  The Square Editor is easy though.  It gives more creative control.  

Hope this helps.
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