Webinar Recording and Recap: Optimizing Square for your Healthcare Business



The Square Point of Sale team recently hosted a webinar to cover all things healthcare (U.S.). This webinar has useful advice for businesses who want to take payments at a brick and mortar location, and it also has useful information about businesses who want to offer their customers the convenience of paying online.

Watch the recording 


If you're looking for ways to maximize Square’s payment products and tools for your healthcare business, read the highlights, or watch the full recording! 



What did the webinar cover?


The webinar featured product demos showing how to set up payment schedules and reminders through Square Invoices, provided a walk-through of how to schedule patient bookings through Square Appointments and manage permissions for healthcare staff through Square Team Management. Helpful partner integrations were highlighted, including Noterro, ClinicSense, Jotform, and Acuity Scheduling


Short on time? We've put together some of the highlights in this article. 


What questions came up and what additional information is available?


While we addressed a number of topics and questions during the webinar, we didn’t have time to cover all of the questions that were submitted. We’ve answered some of the most popular questions below.


  • Where can I learn more about HIPAA compliance at Square? You can learn more about Square’s approach to U.S. HIPAA compliance here: HIPAA Compliance.


  • Is there a way to add our client intake form to Square? Square has a number of ways that support you adding an intake form, including the custom forms available through Square Appointments. If you use a separate tool for managing intake forms, Square integrates with a range of software – take a look at the Square App Marketplace to see how to connect your software for client intake.


  • What are the different costs for taking a payment remotely versus accepting payment in person? For a full breakdown of Square processing fees visit Understanding Square payments fees.


  • How can I customize our receipts to include necessary information for patients to submit to their insurance company? Square enables you to fully customize your receipts, from item information to custom text. Learn more about how to customize your receipts in this guide: Customize Square Receipts.


  • I have virtual clients who give me their credit card information to use after each session to pay for the service provided, what is the best way to take their payment? There are a number of ways you can take payments when your clients aren’t in front of you. Enter credit card information on your phone through manual card entry or on your computer with Virtual Terminal. You can also store your client’s card information to make the payment process even easier for future visits. 

  • What is the dispute process and how can I be better prepared to win disputes? With any transaction, there’s always a risk, which is why it’s always helpful to prepare and have evidence available. Learn more about the dispute process and how you can set yourself up for the evidence you need from the start. 



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Interested in learning more about Square?


The Square Point of Sale team would love to connect with you! Connect with our the Sales team so we can talk more about how Square can support your healthcare practice. 


    Contact Square Sales  


Webinar Highlights: Optimizing Square for your Healthcare Business





Insights from our webinar participants 


Before the event kicked off, Sasha from the product marketing team of Square Point of Sale presented the results of a quick poll [6:10] that we conducted to learn more about attendees and their business interests. When asked, “What is one area of your business that you would like to improve for your practice in 2024?” 26% of participants said that they wanted to simplify their payment workflow; 22% said that they wanted to improve profit margins; and 22% said that they wanted to focus on expansion. Watch the webinar to learn about how our easy-to-use payment platform can help. To learn about a seller who expanded their business, check out Go Big or Go Home: A Tale of Expansion on the Seller Community blog.



Square Point of Sale and Square Invoice demos with a product specialist 


Joe Green, a product specialist at Square, covered several topics, including HSA/FSA card acceptance, PCI compliance, Square payment and reporting tips, and helpful partner integrations. The webinar also features product demos on how to optimize patient checkout, how to send Square Invoices, and more.


The first demo starts at 12:08. Note that this demo features Square Appointments and Square Point of Sale. In this demo Joe shows how to add a service to a booking and how to charge a card on file. 


The second demo begins at 14:30 and is a deep dive on Square Invoices.

Finally, at 21:10 learn how to create a payment schedule with Square Invoices to break large payments over a couple of weeks or months.



Square partnerships designed for health care specialists 


Agatha, a partner manager at Square, presented an overview of just some of the apps available from the Square App Marketplace that are designed for health care specialists [23:42]. Read more about these apps or watch the recording to learn how each integrates seamlessly with Square.


Noterro [24:26]

Noterro is an online clinic management tool for massage therapists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, and other health and wellness practitioners. Noterro supports practitioners with scheduling, online billing, charting, and forms. 


ClinicSense [25:16] 

ClinicSense is an end-to-end practice management software that helps clinics and solo practitioners create forms and soap notes, manage online bookings, and automate marketing emails. 


Jotform [26:04]

Jotform is an online form builder that uses Square to help sellers with patient visits, orders, or other professional services.

For more information about these apps and more, visit squareup.com/app-marketplace.





Thank you.


Thank you to all of the business owners, managers, and Seller Community members who attended the webinar and asked great questions about using Square for their businesses. Connect with our sales team to learn more about using Square.

To be the first to hear about future events, subscribe to the Seller Community Events board.


Helen is a Seller Community manager at Square and is the editor of the Seller Community blog. She writes about small business and the owners and entrepreneurs who are a part of the Seller Community.


Tom Reem is a Square Seller Community manager based in San Francisco. He’s passionate about connecting with local businesses and championing resources that help them thrive.


This event is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal, financial, or tax advice. For guidance or advice specific to your business, you should consult with a qualified legal professional.

1 Comment

Thank you @Tom and team! 

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