Stay Curious: Learn from Seller Community Question of the Week

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Every Wednesday we wear pink we post a Question of the Week on the Seller Community. It has always been a highlight of the week for me, as I get to meet new sellers from all over the world and learn more about their businesses. Over the last six months, we’ve been making some updates to grow this space which I’m really excited to share with everyone here!


The Many Mysteries of Question of the Week


Question of the Week is a shared discussion space where a member of the Seller Community team, or a member of the Community, asks a question about a small-business topic – from how to handle disgruntled customers or navigate price changes to sharing tips for driving sales or marketing your business. Question of the Week brings together businesses around the world, from the Australian bush in Queensland to the bustling Ipswich Market in the UK to the Canadian prairies and the teeming streets of New York. 


Question of the Week is also a great way for us to learn from you. The teams building products at Square often ask for insights on the latest industry trends, such as artificial intelligence, or they ask what a new feature should be called.


Recently, we handed over the reins of Question of the Week for Small Business Month to members of the Community. We featured four questions that were submitted by business owners. These questions received a lot of attention from fellow sellers who shared thoughtful, empathetic answers that showcase the resilience and ingenuity of the business owners who make up our Community. If you missed them, you can find the questions we shared for Small Business Month here:


☑️ How does your business look different now versus when you first started? — asked by @JUYBoutique20 

☑️ How do you manage feedback loops internally? — a question by @MudFire_Dex 

☑️ What have you found to be the best way to promote or advertise your business? — posed by @PlaySpace 

☑️ How many sales or promotions are too many? — asked by @DinaLRosenberg 



Staying Informed with In the News




Square Small Business Evangelist @Pesso highlights trending industry news and topical business practices in a new series called In the News. With this series, we hope to make it easier to find news or information that may affect how you run your business. We also want to provide a space where you can share your perspectives and strategies. 


Interested in joining the discussion for In the News? Select the label In the News when you’re on the Question of the Week page to view all past conversations. 


Get Curious, Get Involved! 


If this piques your interest, it’s really easy to get involved with Question of the Week. All you need to do is to keep an eye on the Seller Community homepage every Wednesday for the latest question.

If you have your own burning question you’d like to ask — maybe it’s how other sellers find inspiration for their window displays or how they find ways to optimize their opening hours — you can always submit a question in this thread to be considered as a future Question of the Week.


Looking forward to see your questions and answers soon! 

Tra is a Seller Community Manager at Square. She is responsible for several programs, including Question of the Week, Seller Groups and our new Mentorship Program.


Cover photo by Júnior Ferreira on Unsplash.

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Check out the latest posts and replies from business owners on the Question of the Week board: 


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