
Same owner different type of business

Reading through the threads I noticed that the business owner cant change unless you open a new account. I would like to know if it's the same owner, but changing their business from a for-profit to a nonprofit, could I use the same square account? Or would this mess up the 1099k tax form? Our second main concern is having to redo the Weebly/Square website in the rebranding process. Is there a way to transfer the weebly websites, if a new square account is necessary? We have spent a lot of time creating the website, our inventory, and syncing to social media; I would just hate to have to redo everything. 


Thank you in advance for your help.

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1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there, @operationarts 👋 Welcome here to the Seller Community! Happy to have you join us!


Good questions here! In short, we would recommend starting a new account. If you were to use the same account that your business had previously used going forward as a non-profit, this would most definitely cause confusion in regards to reporting at 1099 status.


I definitely understand your hesitation in regards to managing your Online Store and site - it can be cumbersome, for sure. The best solace that we would recommend is that we have a fully staffed Support Team who can walk you through the transfer and editing process to ensure your site if better than ever!


Feel free to shoot me a response or ask any additional questions if you have them!


Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 2
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi there, @operationarts 👋 Welcome here to the Seller Community! Happy to have you join us!


Good questions here! In short, we would recommend starting a new account. If you were to use the same account that your business had previously used going forward as a non-profit, this would most definitely cause confusion in regards to reporting at 1099 status.


I definitely understand your hesitation in regards to managing your Online Store and site - it can be cumbersome, for sure. The best solace that we would recommend is that we have a fully staffed Support Team who can walk you through the transfer and editing process to ensure your site if better than ever!


Feel free to shoot me a response or ask any additional questions if you have them!


Community Moderator, Square
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