
Is there a way to disable prep time feature?

I run a bakery/confectionery as we are only offering curbside pick-up twice a week. There is a specific pickup date and window but the prep time/auto response generation gets my customers confused. 

Message 1 of 35
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hey @Delilah-


If you go to Online Store > Settings > Pickup & Delivery > Edit Hours, you'll be able to disable the prep time feature for the location:



Will that work? Let me know! 🤓

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Message 15 of 35

It would be huge help and time saver if they added the feature in the Prep Time drop down menu "Disabled" which would remove the pickup info from the cart and email confirmation.  



Message 22 of 35

Hoping to bump this issue back towards the top.


Being able to disable the Prep Time feature would be a huge help and allow the business to coordinate with the customer pickup times.  

Message 23 of 35


Message 24 of 35
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @Marker99 - thanks for adding your voice here to requests for edits to this feature. Was Isabelle's workaround above a solution for you? If not, we'd love to get some direct feedback on what specific edits to this feature you are looking for.


I will keep an eye out for your response!

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 25 of 35

Hi Joe,  thanks for following up but this is not a viable option.  This solution still provides a defaulted pickup time and a lot of our product is not available immediately.  Having this feature be able to be disabled would be great.

Message 26 of 35

It's been close to a year and we are still dealing with this frustrating problem as well. It creates a lot of confusion for our customers and so much extra work on our end to contact every customer to tell them to ignore what Square sends them regarding pickup date and time. We need to be able to disable the auto-generated pickup times.

Message 27 of 35

We found if we switched our items to "service" instead of "product" it works much smoother and nicer.   Although two days into it our store crashed and now have a ticket to restore functionality.   For the two days it was up it was great, I'd like to see a "product lite" type with out all the bells and whistles.   

Message 28 of 35

Since Square isn't interested in resolving this issue can anyone recommend an alternative service provider who does offer this functionality/feature?

Message 29 of 35

Switch all your products to service item type.   Only way I was able to make the website work like I wanted without the default pickup dates.   

Message 30 of 35

Thanks. I'll see if I can make that work while I'm shopping for a better service provider. I'm getting too many bad reviews and cancellations from angry/confused customers to keep doing business with this site.

Message 31 of 35

Square had a survey in regards to this about a month ago when I logged on. I am hopeful it means an option to DISABLE the prep time is coming RIGHT AWAY. Unfortunately, Service is not a workaround as Gratuity and delivery are also necessary for our order for multiple days in advance chef service.


Any update on the prep time OFF ability, @Joe?

Message 32 of 35

We would sure love a solution to the scheduling pick up issue.  Seems we have the same issues as the above posts.  We would like our customers to order the day before (at the earliest) for pick up hours on Friday, or Saturday only, but the program assigns a pick up time and day to them that they may not be able to agree to and some have cancelled because of it.  (Our hours are only set as open Friday and Saturday). I have been coaching them to simply email us with their preferred time, or leave a note at check out but that is an extra step some don't want to take.  I have also heard from customers that the "leave a message" section  at check out is not always available to them?     This store would work so well for us, if only we could get it to work for our customers.  I have spent many hours trying. Tried several prep time/ hours open combinations.  Nothing works for us.

Message 33 of 35

We would also love a solution for this issue, as well as the scheduled pickup time issue. We are a busy restaurant that doesn't take orders for the future (we run different specials each day, for example, so we only take same-day orders). I wish we could check a box in the scheduled order section that automatically sets a limit for *same-day orders only*, and if the time slots all fill up then it would say "all pickup times are taken for today" or something. So, each day we set the store for that day only, which works fairly well, except that people can still schedule their orders for the next week on that day...or if our orders fill up for the night, people get pushed out to the following week, which is super frustrating and confusing for them (and for us, who have to take time during a busy service to call them and see if we can squeeze them in). 

Additionally, along with all of you, we want to be able to turn off the prep time display. We set it to 15 minutes because we need at least that long to prepare an order, but much longer if we're busy with other orders that have already been placed. We have order limiting turned on so we can stagger orders (3 per 15 minutes, for example), so if it showed "next available pickup time" instead, that would be *much* more helpful than a standard 15 minute prep time that may or may not be accurate depending on how busy we are. Folks are often understandably upset because they go into it thinking it'll be 15 minutes, and then when they get to checkout their actual pickup time is pushed out a couple of hours. I understand we can adjust the prep time based on how busy we are, but that's cumbersome during service, and if we forget after a rush, then orders will be pushed well out even when we could otherwise accept them. LET US TURN IT OFF PLEASE!

Message 34 of 35
Square Community Moderator

Hi @porqueno,


Thank you for writing back into the Seller Community and letting us know this is still something you're hoping we improve. We appreciate you taking the time to explain the changes you'd like to see, and how they'd be useful in your day to day. I know it's not the response you're looking for, but our product teams and engineers monitor our Seller Community for feedback and feature requests very often. We'll be sure to share any news regarding these requests with you here. 

Message 35 of 35