
Is a canceled invoices included in sales reports?

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: At what point does an invoice count towards sales?


Hi, I often make invoices to keep track of orders that are traded "in kind" and so they are never paid, but just end up being marked "cancelled". Our franchise office is convinced that these invoices are calculated in our sales. But I'm fairly certain that they only hit the gross sales once they are marked "paid". Is that correct?


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This is actually a question that I need answered as well.  Do you know why your franchise office thinks this?  As for me, I have a large sales tax due in a certain jurisdiction, and for the life of me, I can't find where the invoices are that add up to this.  I've suggested to Square that they should link sales to the associated taxable amount under taxes so we can see where they are getting their number.  If we are being charged for the cancelled Invoices, then Square has a lot of refunds to hand out.  

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Hi @TakingCareOfBiz! Yep you're right, if you cancel an invoice it will not be included in your Sales Report or Transaction history. But of course a canceled invoice is still visible from the Invoices section of your Dashboard.


Hmm @ACAcatering, I see what you mean. It sounds like you need the name of the tax to be included in the Transaction CSV/other reports as well as the amount of the tax (which does appear)? 



️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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