
How can I produce & link a QR code that we can paste into our weekly bulletin?

I work at a Church, how can I produce & link a QR code that we can paste into our weekly bulletin?




The title of this thread has been edited from the original by a Community Moderator to help with searching threads. 

Message 1 of 4
Square Community Moderator

 Welcome to the Seller Community, @StPaulGP 👋


You can create a QR code for Square Online Checkout Links by following this guide here.


You could also use a third party service by searching "QR code generator" on Google. There's several options that pop up, for example, this site


Please let us know if you have any questions about your Square account, or the Seller Community in general. 

Message 2 of 4

Square QR Generator Step 1.PNGSquare QR Generator Step 2.PNGSquare QR Generator Step 3.PNGSquare QR Generator Step 4.PNGI made this guide. Square QR Generator Step 5...until they move it again.PNG

Message 3 of 4

I made a guide, so folks who don't want to read a 1000 word blog post can just find the QR code generator and get on with their day.

Of course, the guide is only good until engineering (or is it designer team?) change where they've put it...without warning or follow up. Seriously Square, how hard would sending us an email be? Ideally, the email would tell us when the update was scheduled for (which, you are already scheduling them...why don't your clients get to be aware of impending changes?) and what would be changing. Screenshots, etc. 
Then, at 5 am when my crew is desperate to process the first client rush of the day, we wouldn't need to have a group huddle on why the trusted cash register won't work. Because that happens, with every single update you send out. Now I have a training manual for the process, it's titled "When Silicon Valley Forgets We're Clients." Lots of panic could be managed, with just a simple and thoughtful email from Square to the people who provide them their paychecks.

Message 4 of 4