
Find the full number code of the eGift Cards folks have bought?

Hi! I can't seem to find the full code number of the eGift Cards folks have bought. Can anyone please help? I'd like to add them to our booking engine so folks can actually use them.

Message 1 of 53
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Wanted to provide an updated  Best Answer to this thread as the previous one is a little bit outdated. 


At this time the ability to export full gift card number (Full PAN) is limited to Square Sellers that are looking to export their gift cards or migrate their gift cards to another vendor.  The reason for this decision is that when this setting is enabled on your account it allows anyone that has Dashboard access to export this report that includes all the gift card numbers and balance available and it becomes a risk to the Seller's business. 


If you still require and have a particular need to get this report then it would need to be escalated by the support team and only the Account Owner would be able to request such escalations (Mangers or Authorized Representatives cannot request it).  When requesting it you should ask for permission to "Export Gift Card PANs" 


I hope this information is helpful and brings clarity to this topic. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 49 of 53

Did you ever have any luck getting the full gift card numbers?

Thank you,


Message 43 of 53


Yes but it seems to work just for some people!  LOL

There are two ways to get to Gift Cards.  

Don't click on the option that shows on the basic dashboard.  Instead, click Reports and then Gift Cards. Then click Export.  There should be three options... Summary CSV, Detail CSV, and Gift Card Numbers CSV. You want that last option.  

Message 44 of 53

No. Other that changing the email address of the recipient to myself. 

Message 45 of 53

We have the same issue - very frustrating for both us and our customers


Message 46 of 53

After 40 minutes on a phone call about this it would seem that the export option Gift Card Numbers CSV is no longer available. 

Message 47 of 53
Square Community Moderator

Hey @gregrun605


Take a look at this thread where another seller asked the same question. JUSTINC provides the best answer. 


Hope this helps!


Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 48 of 53
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Wanted to provide an updated  Best Answer to this thread as the previous one is a little bit outdated. 


At this time the ability to export full gift card number (Full PAN) is limited to Square Sellers that are looking to export their gift cards or migrate their gift cards to another vendor.  The reason for this decision is that when this setting is enabled on your account it allows anyone that has Dashboard access to export this report that includes all the gift card numbers and balance available and it becomes a risk to the Seller's business. 


If you still require and have a particular need to get this report then it would need to be escalated by the support team and only the Account Owner would be able to request such escalations (Mangers or Authorized Representatives cannot request it).  When requesting it you should ask for permission to "Export Gift Card PANs" 


I hope this information is helpful and brings clarity to this topic. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 49 of 53
Beta Member

I appreciate Square's efforts to keep gift card PANs secure, even though it does make them hard to access. A good analogy is how I treat my cash: I keep it under lock and key, and when a cash drawer needs to be replenished the staff has to get the manager. It's a major inconvenience for everyone involved (ideally the cashier and manager should be replenishing the drawer at convenient times before change is needed), but letting anyone access the safe could be catastrophic for the business. 


Gift card PANs are essentially cash. I'd be in a huge pile of trouble if an employee who had access to the gift card PANs sold them to someone who then purchased product. I do not want to deal with the legal liability involved with customers who have had their gift cards stolen. Alternatively, if my account was hacked and the hacker downloaded a CSV file all the gift card PANs then I'd have to cancel and reissue thousands of gift cards. 


All that said, I do think that Square should make it easier for account owners to be able to access gift cards. If an account owner agrees to the risks then they should be able to access that info regardless of the reason, even if they have to contact Square to get it enabled on their account. It does sound like customer support doesn't have consistent training on how to handle these situations to begin with. 

Message 50 of 53
Beta Member

I have just went round and round with square on this, they say that they do not have the PAN numbers stored in there system. We are moving our gift cards to another system and need those numbers to implement.

Customer Support Response:
"So the reports we have available only include the last 4 digits of the gift cards.

We do not have the PAN information stored.
The reports we provide will only show the last 4 digits of the gift card. I understand this situation is frustrating, but the information I have provided is the most up to date information.

At this point the conversation is becoming unproductive. I have given you the correct information about the PAN not being stored several times. The Support team won’t be able to assist further via messaging in regards to this issue."


I am really disappointed that square is going to hold my customers captive with their gift card system. It is disappointing that they will not either produce, or provide us the information.

Message 51 of 53

That’s crappy customer service in their last paragraph. And btw, they did allow one export of your gc file so you would have the info. Now they don’t? Square is really failing in my books. They said they would contact me when they had an answer for a mistake on their system. A month later no one ha still called. 

Message 52 of 53
Beta Member

@kctaco That really doesn't sound right, it sounds like you've worked with customer support agents who aren't aware of the gift card policy. Were you able to speak with a supervisor? 


First, I can say with 100% confidence that Square does hold the PANs in their system, otherwise how else do they keep track of the balances? However, I also know that customer support agents (and probably everyone at Square) don't have access to the PANs. The last time I worked on this a customer support agent toggled something on their end that allowed me to download a CSV file from the dashboard; that way no one at Square had to handle the data directly. 


Square's terms of service note that you – the owner of the Square account – are the issuer and administrator of your gift cards. I could be wrong, but you definitely should be able to download your gift card PANs upon request. 

Message 53 of 53