
Do Comps contribute to total in Daily Item/Category sales report totals?

We just started using the Comp feature. I am wondering if when an Item is comp'ed if it still contributes to the total item sales reports for the day?

For example,
We have a Strawberry smoothie and sell 100 of them. 2 are Comp for whatever reason.
At the end of the day when I pull reports and select "Item Sales" will it show 100 Strawberry, or 98 Strawberry in the total?

It's important for us to keep track for inventory purposes. Any help is appreciate. Thank you.

Message 1 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, 


The Comp and Void features are best used in restaurant settings under two different circumstances. 


You Comp an item to fix a mistake, or as a goodwill gesture if the item has already been prepared (and most likely removed from your inventory). 


Applying a Comp to an item removes the cost of the item from the customer bill, but since the item was still a part of the sale it will appear in your item sales reports. 


If an item was ordered but not yet prepared, employees can Void the item to remove it from the customer bill.


The Void feature allows you to keep a record of the reasons your employees void items, but since the item was not prepared and not removed from your inventory, it won't appear in your Item Sales report.

Message 2 of 3
Beta Member

How does this factor into the COGS report? If, as you're saying, the comped item is still lumped in with sales (which seems odd), then does the comped item still follow the FIFO inventory system? Is there any place that you can see the cost associated with individual comped items? 

Message 3 of 3