[New] Square Appointments: No-Show Protection Now Blocks Prepaid Debit Cards

Hi Sellers,


We heard your feedback that clients use prepaid debit cards with insufficient funds to avoid paying a no-show or last-minute cancellation fee. To address this, the Appointments team has launched an improvement to the “No-Show Protection” feature where a prepaid debit card can no longer be used as the no-show payment card on the online booking site, even if the prepaid debit card is saved as a “Card on File.”


On your online booking site, clients who use a prepaid debit card as their payment method will now see an error message, and will be unable to move forward with booking until they input a different card. 


This applies for both manually inputted prepaid debit cards:




And for prepaid debit cards saved as “Card on File:”





  1. Clients can still use prepaid debit cards to prepay for an appointment through online booking. 
  2. You and your staff can override this block because you will still be able  to use a prepaid debit card as the no-show payment card when you book an appointment on Dashboard.


See this support article to learn how to enable no-show protection.


We’re still rolling out this feature so it may take a few weeks before it’s available for you. Reply here and share any feedback!

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