
[Migration Required] KDS Sellers Must Switch to Android

Hi Sellers, 👋


This is a reminder that Square KDS on iOS is being retired. As of June 30, 2025, you will no longer be able to view or complete order tickets on the iOS app. If you use our kitchen display system on an iPad, please begin your move to Android. 


How to move forward:

Hear how migration is going for other Square KDS customers:


"We have 21 active KDS devices at two different restaurant locations in Ithaca, NY. We were on iPads before, and had no issues at all moving over to Android. The transition was smooth as silk and we're loving the fact that there are so many new features!"


- Kevin Sullivan, Founder of ITH Hospitality


“We found transitioning from the iPad app to the Android app to be very smooth. All the features that I knew from iPad - those were now on my Android device. And then from there, we ended up getting new capabilities over time to help our kitchen staff to operate more efficiently.”


- Director of Marketing & IT at Lafrance Hospitality


See Android devices in action


Share your migration feedback with our team!


Get Started with Android KDS today. 

Committed to staying on your iPad? 

We are happy to announce that we have selected Fresh KDS as our preferred partner if you wish to stay on iOS for your kitchen display system. 

Contact Fresh KDS.



Reasons to Move to Square KDS on Android:


Stay on the Same App Experience You’re Already Using

No onboarding with a new partner, dealing with different support, or re-training your staff. You’ll experience the same app, just enhanced with new feature options.


Help Your Staff Stop Squinting with Larger Screen Options

Get brand-new flexibility to see larger tickets and more at once — something a small iPad screen cannot offer. 


“We moved from iPads to Android devices quickly, because we did not want to forget the sunset date. The whole process has been seamless for our bartenders, servers, and kitchen staff— no need to retrain, and our team appreciates the same app experience. We swapped 9 devices across two locations in just a few days, and we’ve been able to reduce our quantity of active KDS devices with the larger screen option.”


Pavel Sirotin, CEO of Bevri


Want more information on Square KDS on Android? 

Check out our Help Centre overview for more information. And feel free to contact our team with any questions by emailing support@squareup.com

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