Square Online Store: On-demand delivery available now!
Square Online Store: On-demand delivery available now!

Hi Seller Community! Many of you have been asking for more delivery options and I'm thrilled to announce our Online Store team's latest product update: On-demand delivery.




What does this do? On-demand delivery enables you as a seller to dispatch delivery drivers from third party delivery service providers for orders placed directly on your website. Integrating on-demand delivery directly via Square Online Store offers you these key benefits:

  1. Save on order commission
  2. Maintain the customer relationship
  3. Keep all order details in one place


How does pricing work? There is a flat dispatch fee of $1.50 for per on-demand delivery order and typically service providers charge $6-8 for deliveries under 3 miles. You can pass the delivery cost on to your customers, pay it yourself, or cover it for orders over a certain amount, e.g., free delivery for orders over $50. Other delivery apps can charge as much as 30% commission — when you apply this across hundreds of delivery orders each month, it can come out to a sizable amount of savings for your business.


For a detailed overview on how to get set up, check out this tutorial video below.



Check out this Support Center article for more information: On-demand delivery with Square Online Store.


Thank you for your patience as we worked to unlock this feature. Keep in touch and let us know as any other questions come up — we're constantly iterating based on our seller's needs during these rapidly changing times.