
Can one time per month coupons be created?

I would like to offer customers in specific groups a monthly coupon that they could use 1 time per month for a specified number of months. Is this possible? Or is there a way to attach specific discount codes to subscriptions and limit the discount to once per month?

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Square Champion

@HHFamilyFarms I don’t know a way to do this automatically.  But, if you are subscribed to Square Marketing, you could send a monthly coupon, with a fixed expiration date, to customers on a given mailing list.  If they don’t use it before the expiration date, then it is lost until you send a new one.  That’s a workaround, I think, but it would be a little more work on your end.


Otherwise, you can always send Square a feature request here.  Be specific about your use case, and why it would be of great benefit not only to your business but to others.  You’ll get a notification here on the boards after their product team has reviewed it and made a decision.



Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
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