
How do i delete all customers that haven't been to the shop in 2 years?

there is no quick way to delete deadbeat customers in the list.  I want all customers who haven't shopped with us in 2 years to fall off the list.  We need more control and edit features on our customer directory.  Also, there are hundreds of Unknown Name customers with no email or phone.  What use are they to me?  Why am I paying for these useless "customers"?

Message 1 of 4

Hey @chefkowboy 


First to your second question about Unknown Name customers:

The Unknown Name customers may be unknown to you, but oftentimes their email address is accessible and reachable by Square. So if you go to send a marketing email, the email will still reach them.


As to your question of paying for customers - if you're not using Square Marketing, you don't pay for retaining Customer Data. You only pay when you use Square Marketing, and even then, you're only paying for the number of Reachable Customers. Reachable customers are those with an email address on file, and sometimes it is limited by how much time as passed since they made a purchase. If they aren't Reachable Customers, you don't pay for them.


So I'd recommend the first step is to see how many Reachable Customers you have, first, before you start to think about deleting customers.


Now to the first question about deleting delinquent customers:

While I wouldn't recommend it, you absolutely can with the new Customer Directory Filtering system.

The reason I wouldn't recommend it, is that sometimes the Purchase Date isn't always completely accurate, for one reason or another.

For example, if you use Loyalty or have a public Email Signup Link, sometimes the customer information based on most Recent Purchase Date isn't accurately tied and might show up as "Never" or as longer ago than they actually visited, and you could end up removing more than you wanted.


But here's how to do it:

Go into your Customers Tab on your Web Dashboard, and click Filter Customers, then click Date.

Change the first box to be "Purchase date was not" then in the last 24 Months.


Everyone that shows up will be people who have not purchased in the last 2 years.

From there you can click the first box in the first column, that should Select All, and then you can click delete.


I hope this helps!

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 2 of 4

I did try the filtering, set it for 20 months, but it did not do a good sort.  There were a lot of purchasers at less than 20 months.  6 months, a year, 2 months.


So the Unknown Users have used Square before and have saved their contact info with another merchant?

Message 3 of 4

Yea, that's true - I just did the same filter and it doesn't seem to work properly for me either. It looks like somehow Purchase Date and Visit Date don't sync up correctly there.


It looks like the filtering via "Not" has a bug:

- If you do Purchase Date WAS within X, it looks like it's filtering in ANY purchase within X time, which is behaving as intended.

- If you do Purchase Date was NOT Within X, it looks like it's filtering out FIRST purchase was not within X time - Only showing people who's First Visit was longer ago than X time.


I'm tagging @kellyj to hopefully look into that.




There could be a few reasons for those Unknown Name customers - either they saved their info with another merchant, or with you but didn't give permission to make it visible with you, or something else

Pesso - he/him
Pesso's Ices & Ice Cream
Square Super Seller - I'm here to help!
Message 4 of 4