
Super Sellers Share Their Tips for Self Care This Holiday Season 2022

In August (!) we asked sellers to share what the holiday season looks like for their business. Short answer: very busy.


Pre-order deadlines, in-store decorations and outdoor lights, seasonal marketing campaigns, shipping delays, bad weather and sick days - on top of your usual workload, where do you find time for yourself


Self care’ can look different to everyone but it can be as simple as taking a 15-minute break every morning or as lavish as buying yourself a Christmas present. When I’m feeling stressed I put down my phone and make a cup of tea. Taking just a few minutes for you can help you to avoid burnout and actually enjoy the holiday season. 


Super Sellers’ Tips for Self Care 

We asked our wonderful Super Sellers to share their self care best tips. There is one clear theme: make time for yourself and make the most of it! Read through the tips below and feel free to share to share what works for you below:


Schedule Time Off, Now 

“Schedule time off and actually take it! I usually try to take off between Christmas and New Years-it's a slower week at the bakery and it allows me to push harder with all of the Christmas orders knowing that I have some time off coming up." sugarlab 🇺🇸


Plan ahead to take your birthday off! When I was a teenager, I had to work my retail job on my birthday and I said to myself that if I was the boss I'd never make someone work on their birthday. Well, now I *am* the boss and that's officially our company policy - every employee gets their birthday off with pay. I just need to remember to also plan that for myself! I find that works best if I put it on the calendar well in advance - before anyone else can find me something to do!” Michael_L 🇨🇦


“Time off between Christmas and New Years.” Greenmonkey65 🇺🇸


“I don't do much during Q4 because there just isn't time but during the last week of the year, I close completely. No inventory. Nothing. No calls or emails. Just a week of hanging out with my daughter and hanging out around the house. Doran 🇺🇸


Make Time For You

“Ask for help! It won’t mean you can’t handle what’s happening, it says more about you. Then you can focus on bigger tasks or take a break. MamiesToffee 🇺🇸


Take moments for yourself every day. You deserve it. Even if it's just 5 minutes, take it. At least once a week I have a spa day at home including a bubble bath with rose petals, my favorite wine and music. JUYBoutique20 🇺🇸


Practice acts of kindness toward yourself. During the fourth quarter we can become hyper focused on gifting for others, social events, meal planning and prep and a myriad of tasks that can leave us feeling depleted, frustrated and emotionally drained. In my family we have a rule not to buy anything for yourself starting in October... But you can still refill your cup by scheduling 15-20 minutes increments throughout your busy week to look at holiday light displays, walk in nature, go ice skating, sip hot cocoa at a local park. The idea here is to do something out of your normal schedule to experience the beauty around you. Whatever it is that brings you joy, make sure to add it to your schedule at least once per week. Because during all that selfless giving it's important to reward yourself too!" RMConsultingLLC 🇺🇸


"Scheduled breaks to sit outside and have a coffee." MudFire_Deanna 🇺🇸


Hot water bottle with a hot chocolate in the office. Computers, phones off, no means of communication, just for 30 minutes looking out of the office window watching the deer and Guinea fowl in the orchard while enjoying the warmth of the hot water bottle and sweetness of the hot chocolate...perfect recharge. Phillipsrw 🇬🇧


"I take 2 hours out of the day to be away from technology and with a book outside. I need to be away from everything. It also helps to keep everything in one place - for ex all my salon work happens at the salon and I don't bring it home with me. At home, I do not do any work related things. During the holidays, I really try to be present and am looking for other ways to transition my time away from the salon." Bronze_Palms 🇺🇸


Plan Ahead

“[...] The holiday season is already packed with to-do list, events, family gatherings, etc so I try to encourage as many orders to be placed ahead of time. This year I am placing deadlines on custom orders to be submitted, which creates a sense of urgency to get orders placed.[...] I also try to be strategic on my social media posts. I usually do not post if I have a lot of orders to fill and when I am more caught up I then post. I think planning ahead helps.” willowsky 🇺🇸


I'm lucky enough to be on an ownership team of 3. We do weekly check-ins during our busy months to make sure everyone is doing ok and not burnt out. After working together for 3 years we have an open and honest relationship where it's ok to say we're struggling and for the other 2 to pick up the slack from time to time. We give each other days off or treat each other to dinner. Leaning on them as friends has helped us get through all this time! keicollective 🇺🇸


Make time for movement! Whether it's a 10-minute walk outside or a full workout, movement always helps me digest and release emotion/stress (and there's a lot of that in the holidays!). mksavage 🇺🇸


Treat Yourself!

Pretty cliché but I do love a good retail therapy session. And I move the holidays right up! No waiting around for Christmas to buy something I've had my eye on for a while. Mind you, to stave off the guilt I tend to make sure they're all still work related. Work pants, steel cap boots, a brass fountain pen, books on management and business, coffee brewing equipment…QuokkaCoffee 🇦🇺


I alternate months...one month I get a facial and then the next a massage...helps relax me and keep my back from hurting from being hunched over clients all day. Stacelyn24 🇺🇸

“I always make sure to schedule manicures and pedicures for myself at least once a month during Q4 especially.” alexandriak 🇺🇸


Retail therapy.gif



If you have a tip or self-care habit you practice throughout the winter - please share it. Your suggestion might help someone else avoid burnout!

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 1 of 11
Square Champion

I love reading all of these suggestions! It's a very timely reminder heading into Q4 that self-care doesn't have to take a ton of time/planning, the little breaks can make a huge difference. I'm definitely going to try and keep this top of mind as I plan my days/weeks this season!

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 2 of 11

Well said @mksavage

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 3 of 11

When you said 'digest' I muttered to myself, it better be all those darn donuts that keep popping up on my Instagram feed


Digesting emotions makes sense in this context too. 😂


EDIT: Changed a word to 'darn' because the original got auto-bleeped. I didn't know that was a thing! 

Message 4 of 11
Square Champion

Hahaha, well, you're not wrong. Daily access to fresh-made donuts is another motivator for daily movement, for sure. 😂 Actually, now that I think of it, that could have been it's own self-care tip: a dry cappuccino & a donut on the patio on a crisp, fall morning! I think I might try that one this week. 😊


Also, I had no idea that the forums would auto-bleep! The original notification I got showed the bleep, but I assumed you'd written it that way! How funny!

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 5 of 11
Square Champion

Love all the suggestions....

Jacqueline Mull
Owner of Jackie's Uniquely U Boutique
Owner of Uniquely U Anime

Message 6 of 11
Square Champion

Before opening my own business I worked 9 hours from my hometown...in a mall. November and December were the crazy months and I didn't get to see my family unless they came to me. Which they did on Thanksgiving until the open at midnight and then 6pm madness. When I moved home and opened Abigail's I was determined to give myself time off to enjoy... and I didn't.. because I was the only one. Now I am lucky enough that we have a great staff and shorter open hours. We do our schedule a month in advance to make sure everyone gets family time off during the holidays and obviously are closed on Thanksgiving, Xmas Day and NYD. We close at 3 on Xmas Eve and my managers and I work that shift so the staff gets the day off. We all work really hard but then all take time off in January to decompress. 

Owner, Abigail's Gift Boutique and Abigail's Boutique St. Louis, MO
Message 7 of 11
Square Champion

and this....IMG_3374.jpg

Owner, Abigail's Gift Boutique and Abigail's Boutique St. Louis, MO
Message 8 of 11
Square Champion

Cheers to this! And to making space for time off for you and your team. I feel like that's one of the "benefits" of being a small business owner, but one that most of us struggle to take advantage of, especially during the early years. 

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 9 of 11

Great photo! 

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 10 of 11
Square Champion

So many great tips.  Thanks for putting it all together @Helen 


Haute Beauty Guide
Message 11 of 11