
Can i get some feedback on my site?

I dont know what i am doing wrong. I dont seem to get any sells

Message 1 of 13

What is your site?

Shop: https://Ellsworth-Creations.square.site
Message 2 of 13

Message 3 of 13

So.. I'm seeing two things currently...

  1. I assume you meant to put a "." instead of an "@". 
  2. When I typed in the address, I was blocked by my web protection.. and when I typed it into my search bar, the site didn't come up. Similar square sites did and I was able to navigate to those with no problem.. 

So, maybe double check you link?
Hope that's helpful!

Shop: https://Ellsworth-Creations.square.site
Message 4 of 13

No that is what it is. Can you Google LeAdrea's Creation's

Message 5 of 13

Weird! Search led me to your Facebook and I was able to get to your site from there.


Site looks pretty good to me! You could probably work on the pictures a bit? I can't say I'm an expert either, but I find that the clear pictures of my products in natural sunlight with a solid background have worked best for me. I also try to keep the same background for all my products or at least each collection. *shrug*


Just some food for thought. 🙂 And like I said, the site overall looks good to me! 🙂

Shop: https://Ellsworth-Creations.square.site
Message 6 of 13

Hello again


I have just looked at the web address you mentioned, which you put in like this




this is wrong, anyone who copy's and pastes that address will get blocked from all major browsers, you need to add the s after http, so it's like this for everyone to see it correctly




without the s after http, every browser thinks your site is unsecured and won't show it, but add the s to the address and it will show on all browsers your site is secure, sorry to of bought this up, but it needs to be done right else no one will ever see your site, as mentioned before ( i presume you are using the free square site ), if you put your site on google my business ( just create an account if you don't have one, and add the correct URL address ( https://Ellsworth-Creations.square.site  ) it can make a massive difference to the volume of traffic you will get as well as a link to ask customers for a review, you can also specifically choose what regions to sell your items as well, and you will reach far more people who really want to buy or are interested in your items than paying for google adds etc, do you have your shop on Facebook as well and Instagram or twitter, if not get onto these as well, great way of building impressions up which all helps with your site getting noticed with google search engines, and it's all free. All the best


Message 7 of 13

Huh. I had no idea! Thanks for the info, Pete! ^_^ I'll go update it on my linktree and other places.

I don't have it where people can shop directly from my socials.. course I'm still working on getting those up to where they need to be. 🙂 I'll definitely look into the google my business you mentioned! I hadn't thought of that!

I did just recently switch from Etsy to my own website, so I'm still in the learning curve of it all. 🙂

Thank you so much for all your input!

Shop: https://Ellsworth-Creations.square.site
Message 8 of 13

Just so you know I opened my Facebook store and my first sale it takes 30 days to get your money. It's very hard to communicate and I will be relying on my website and shutting down the facebook.

Message 9 of 13

Hello Laura


That sounds odd, do you let Facebook take the payment then, what I do is advertise all items on Facebook shop and anyone who clicks an item gets sent straight to the main website, giving people the option to pay by any means they wish, as long as you link your website to Facebook this is how it works, I'm not talking about the marketplace set up, I'm talking about getting a free business page set up then adding your website, depending on what you sell will depend on the reach of people it will have, for a free option it can be very good  and in many ways can do wonders for your google rankings as it will at the very least bring traffic to your site without paying out anything, exactly the same way as setting up a Google my business account, which if done OK can generate 1000''s of potential buyers for just taking an hour of your time to set it up right  or you can do the Google ads or ebay route and pay a big chunk of profit to them and still not get far with it all, the choice is there for everyone big or small

Message 10 of 13

Our website isn't through Square (we use Wix) so I am not sure if this will work for you. Our website catalog is integrated into Facebook, but we do not use Facebook checkout. If someone sees something on Facebook and wants to buy it, it takes them to our website to purchase. It works well! We tried Facebook checkout and it was a DISASTER! As you mention it takes a while to get your money, it doesn't update inventory correctly most of the time, and support is a cluster (sorry for being so blunt). Hope this helps!

Cheers, Theresa
Message 11 of 13

Hi Leadrea, Great product!  A couple things.  I noticed your pricing is $30 to $35 for every product.  Have you thought about creating a range of product that can be more affordable like $15-20 and $20-25 range?  Then add those that are at a higher price for a more intricate design, say a brooch or necklace.  This may get browsers who are more limited in their resources to shop.


I was wondering if you have a free pick up as an option to adding shipping costs.  Not sure if your costs are built-in to the product price, if so, let them know these items have free shipping. 


I am always paying attention if there are shipping costs, free shipping or pick up options before I commit to purchasing.  I would love to purchase two of your $15 items and be able to pick them up from your home store or meet you at your next pop up event to save on shipping and meet the artist!  These options can be arranged at check out as an option.  Hope this helps.

Message 12 of 13

I love the idea of the shipping. I'll look into that. Although I'm not sure you looked at my website as I have things that are cheaper and I don't sell jewelry 

Message 13 of 13