
Shipping options not displayed in export data

We want to setup shipping locations / dates as  differnent options - however the export data file doesn't show what shipping options the customer selects and therefore we can't identify which shipping options the customer has selected without going through each sale individually. How can we get the shipping options data included in the export data file 

Message 1 of 3

Hi @wacrays. This information is not available at this time, but there may be a third party app in the App Center that integrates and pulls the correct data you are looking for. It's been awhile since I've tested it out, but I believe at least one of the integrated tools showed the shipping data. 

How are you currently shipping your goods? Do you create the labels yourself with the carrier directly, or are you using a third party shipping service? 

Message 3 of 3

It's a nightmare. We use Shipstation. They will import the shipping price paid so we use that info to know which service to select. First class is $3-$6, Priority is $7.50-$20.00, Express is $25+, etc. It's not perfect but you get a pretty good idea of what service they selected after a while. 

Weebly does not like to address relativley easy fixes that make our lives miserable. This is an on going problem with Weebly. Not shipping to APO on the checkout page, lack of Facebook and Ads manager integration tools, no restock notification options available, just to name a few. Some of these issues Weebly has said they are "working on" for over 5 years. Lol. 

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