
Not getting store purchasing notifications from Weebly App

Hey, I have an online store that has been working really well from the weebly app. For some reason today, the weebly app doesn't seem to be giving notifications (cash register noise) whenever an order has been placed. It has been doing this very flawlessly for the past few months until today. Already missed a couple orders because of this. Anyone else experiencing this, thoughts or solutions on this?

All notification settings in the app and on the iphone are switched to on, but it's still not giving me notifications through the weebly app.

Edit: July 14th: Phewwwww working now! Thanks Adam and all!

Message 1 of 114
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December 2020 Update: The issue mentioned in the original post was resolved, however notifications stopped again towards the end of November. The cause for this is a separate issue and involves working with another provider to resolve. While I don't have an ETA on how long it will take, we are hoping that this should be fixed soon.

I checked with our team and our advanced support team has filed a bug with our engineers for this. Hopefully the issue should be resolved soon. Thanks for your patience!

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Message 103 of 114
113 REPLIES 113

Also having the same issue which has been happening for over 3 months. Not good enough considering how much we pay
Message 115 of 114

Same.. having this same problem. VERY frustrating given the amount paid yearly to not get notifications sent to my phone for an order. I shouldnt have to rely on my email which would drive me nuts if I got notifications from every person who ever emailed me. Nobody has time for that. Please please escalate this issue!
Message 115 of 114

Any update on this from Weebly? 3 months into what I derive to be a massive problem and still no fix?

Not the only problem we are having at the moment with Weebly/SquareUp at the moment either. Issues with catalog syncing and email marketing.

Starting to consider alternative providers at the moment, not good enough in my opinion.

Message 115 of 114

I've been trouble-shooting this problem of not getting store order notifications for months now, as Weebly support was not able to identify the problem. My "quick fix" was simply to change the email on my account to my gmail account (previously it was my  outlook 365 business email), and all the notifications came through, indicating that it is NOT a Weebly generation problem.

Today I finally got some clarity on what's going on: My outlook security system was "rejecting" my email (ie not letting through at all, even to my "Junk" folder) because the email is coming from my own email address and the security system thinks it's a security hack. The (partial) solution was to create an alias for my email and use that alias email address for my Weebly account email. That way the sender email is different from the recipient email, and outlook security actually lets the email in. But it still goes to my junk folder (need to work on that).

One possible solution for Weebly to consider (if Weebly engineers are reading this): the sender on the order notification email should NOT be the business email. Rather it should come from a Weebly address, so as not to trigger the security block in some people's email system, like Microsoft Outlook. 

Good luck everyone - it's a really big deal to have this problem with an Ecommerce site, but switching platforms is a big deal too...

Message 115 of 114

Thanks for the detective work and for posting that here for others, @aanandprokop! Thank you also for the suggestion - I'll share that with our team.

Message 115 of 114

Yep, I've also been having this problem for months now.

I'm not being notified of any contact form messages or orders. I have to go into my Weebly website to manually check for form contacts and orders daily... very frustrating. If I try the test emails from my website, I get about one in ten come through, and if it does it usually goes straight into my spam box.  It's bad for business and makes us look unprofessional when we don't respond to a contact form message because we were never alerted to it. I certainly lost business because of this until I realised I was not being alerted.  

Something really does need to be sorted.  My email account is with BT, but I know that people with Gmail accounts don't always get order confirmations either. I now have to manually email every customer just so I know they get a response to an order.

I haven't got a clue why it's happening or what to do about it... it's not my area of expertise...!

Message 115 of 114

I really need to do something if Weebly are not going to sort out and fix this issue.

How exactly do I create an alias email address... and how do I implement this on my Weebly website. Not being very PC savvy, I need some simple instructions. Help please someone... 

Message 115 of 114

Hi @Station13. With your contact forms you can add in your gmail address to the form so notifications go to both email addresses. For store orders you will need to update the email address on your account to use your gmail address instead. 

With any kind of email delivery, there's always the chance that an email provider will think something is spammy. That said, in my experience this is far less of an issue with Gmail, unlike BT.

Message 115 of 114

Thanks, I'll give it a try. It's a pain in the backside though to have to check multiple email providers. And it's even more annoying that I can get proper spam emails come through, but anything from my website doesn't even make it into my spam folder. So frustrating.

Message 115 of 114