
New Ecommerce Features: Batch Editing and Structured Data for Products

From one of our latest blog posts:


The Weebly eCommerce platform keeps getting better with two brand new features released this week. The Batch Editing feature makes it easy to manage large numbers of products and orders in your Store dashboard, while structured data for products improves your product page SEO. ​
Both features are available for Starter, Pro and Business plans.

Batch Editing

Batch Editing provides robust store management tools for handling a busy eCommerce business.

The feature lets you make eCommerce changes at scale in the following areas:

  • Products: Copy, delete, add to category, show in storefront, hide from storefront
  • Orders: Print, cancel, mark as returned
  • Categories: Delete
  • Coupons: Delete

Batch Editing also provides some design updates that make it easier for you to see which products are available on your storefront and navigate through store listing pages quickly with pagination. There are also new order status filters (pending, refunded, shipped, returned, cancelled, sent and completed) that help you navigate through listed items.

You can access these new Batch Editing features from the Store tab, clicking on Products, Categories, Coupons or Orders from the sidebar and then selecting the items you want to modify. You can learn more about Batch Editing functionality here.

​Structured Product Data

All published product pages now feature structured data markup for rich snippets. These snippets can show up in search results for your product pages. This can help drive more traffic to your store by improving click through rate (people are more likely to click on results with rich snippets) and structured data may be a ranking factor to help your product pages rank higher.

The current product fields covered include Name, Price (or sale price), Description (short description), SKU (if one is defined), and Image.

This feature is included automatically when you publish a product. All previously published products have been updated with this change. It’s important to remember that even though this data is now included on your product pages, Google doesn’t always display the entire set of fields as a rich snippet in search.

Message 1 of 14

I have a business account and the new features are not available on my editor.

Message 2 of 14

I checked your site in the editor and saw the batch-editing capabilities in the places I would expect it, like Store > Orders, and Store > Products.  I also see the needed tags within the HTML source of a product page for Google to display structured data (though it might take time for Google to update it's cache to reflect that).

Do you see checkboxes next to your products and orders on your Store tab?

Message 3 of 14

Fantastic!  Thank you all for the hard work!  😃

Message 4 of 14

self edited...

Message 5 of 14

Just found it. The buttons (copy, delete, more) are hidden at the top until you select at least one listing. Why hide the buttons at all? I mean, I guess it is kind of thrilling seeing them appear and disappear when I select a listing but this 'now you see me now you don't business' doesn't seem necessary. Glad to have these bulk options. This will make managing my store a lot easier now. 

Message 6 of 14

Bulk edit is a great addition but really need the ability to bulk "Hide/Unhide" products as well as bulk "Change Price" and "Change Sale Price".

Once those are added, it will be VERY nice.

any plans for these?

Message 7 of 14

Hello @aodesigns

  We always strive to add great features to our e-commerce platform as fast as possible. Perhaps you can post this request in the "Vote on Features" section.

Message 8 of 14

I absolutely love this idea for the exposure of products. I do have a question about it though. When these items that have benefitted from the new exposure are sold and no longer available, they need to be deleted or hidden on our pages.... That said, my question is about having the result be 404 Errors of "Page Not Found" for each item no longer available. Do you know if this will happen? What I know so far from experience, is that once the bots and spiders crawl on it, it's like officially on/found on the internet, and when I've deleted the page, a 404 Error results.

Many of the item I make and sell are a "one of", so this has me wondering.

Message 9 of 14

@SnowLizard wrote:

I absolutely love this idea for the exposure of products. I do have a question about it though. When these items that have benefitted from the new exposure are sold and no longer available, they need to be deleted or hidden on our pages.... That said, my question is about having the result be 404 Errors of "Page Not Found" for each item no longer available. Do you know if this will happen? What I know so far from experience, is that once the bots and spiders crawl on it, it's like officially on/found on the internet, and when I've deleted the page, a 404 Error results.

Many of the item I make and sell are a "one of", so this has me wondering.

If you're using inventory tracking and a product sells out, we leave the product itself intact though no one could could try to purchase because it will show as out of stock.  A lot of store owners like this because it helps provide examples of previous products as well as more content for Google to have indexed.

You can delete the product yourself which will give a 404 if someone tried to visit it, though you normally might want to make your own custom 404 page with links back to your store.  To do that, simply create a hidden page on your site called "404" and add whatever content to it you'd like.

Message 10 of 14

Thank you for the reply and information Adam.
I do utilize the inventory tracking on my website. Would I make one generic 404, or would I need to do it for each product? I'm considering just allowing them to remain live, with a "Sold Out" status.
Message 11 of 14

@SnowLizard wrote:
Thank you for the reply and information Adam.
I do utilize the inventory tracking on my website. Would I make one generic 404, or would I need to do it for each product? I'm considering just allowing them to remain live, with a "Sold Out" status.

You can only have one 404 page, so it probably makes more sense to make a more general one.  One other thing you could do with a sold out product is add links to the product's long description for similar products.

For example, "This product is sold out, but you might like these: link" - that kind of thing.

Message 12 of 14

Thank you Adam!
Message 13 of 14

No problem! Robot Very Happy

Message 14 of 14